Advice on New Grow Worrys


Well-Known Member
Ok plants are 15 days old. Here is the break down

PH 6.7
GH Flora micro, flora bloom, flora grow. 5 ml of each chem per 5 gals of RO/DI 0 tds water.
TDS PPM reads 136 ppm after adding chems

Light 18/6
cool white and warm white 40w 48 inch fluorescents
Soil, not sure as it's a Jiffy transplant kit. They were large hardened pellets that you add water too. Soil is holding mosture nicely. It's constantly damp to the touch
I was watering 2 times per day for 20 minutes each time. I have now cut that down to 1 watering per day, still at 20 mins per watering.

Room temp moves from 70 degrees to roughly 75 through out the day. When my heater in my house comes on, the temp rasies to 75, stays there for about 30 mins then drops back to 70 degrees. This happens about once per hour all day.

I have CO2 in 2 ltr bottle releasing (small amounts) all day long.

Fan comes on 4 times per day for 1 hour each time. Fan does not come on at night. Everything shuts off except heat, no watering, no fan, no light during the 6 hour night.

My concern is some of my plants look very healty, others do not. Their leaves are curling. I have searched the forum and it's hard to tell as most of the posts regarding curling are pertaining to older plants.
I could use some advice as to changes I should or should not make to stop the curling. Also some of the main leafs (1st ones from the seedlings to sprout out) have dried tips.



Well-Known Member
depending on your situation.... my advice is:
no nutes yet - still too young
get the lights closer if you can - they are stretching

CO2 is fine - but unless you invest in about 500 bucks worth of equipment i think it is more of a "feel good" than a "must have" . another words i don't think there is any benefit but there isn't any harm so no biggie.
fan should be running 24x7 - they need fresh air.


Well-Known Member
ok i have emptyed the nutes and put in distilled water. i am worknig with jiffy to get the npk on the pellets. if i remember correct they had one posted on the product but i cant seem to find it. but either way. should i not use my RODI yet as that water has 0 nutes? or should i just stick with tap water? our tds here is 85. i have now switched the fan to run 24/7. lowered the lights to about 1 inch off the plants. i have still kept the watering cycle to once per day.


Well-Known Member
I use tap water but RO water is the best I think. A PPM of 85 doesn't sound bad at all to me - mine is over 200! I grow in hydro though so go through a lot of water but in soil I don't think you use as much so buying distilled may be OK for you. Personally, I'd use tap.

I would wait for a few weeks to start adding nutrients. At least wait until you see a few nodes of green leaves. And when you do start adding nutes, add them with a light hand. Keep a close eye on them for awhile after lowering the lights to make sure they don't burn.

I don't let me dissuade you from using CO2 - for all i know it works really well - you already got it set-up might as well use it, right?

I've never grown in soil so you'll have to verify how to water with one those folks.