Bandha Yoga - Scientific Keys to Unlock the Practice of Yoga


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Padmasana - Lotus Pose
Try This!... Dorsiflex the foot at the ankle to hook it onto the thigh. The tibialis anterior and toe extensors activate to create this action. Slightly evert the ankle as well by contracting the peroneus longus and brevis muscles on the lower side of the leg. This aids to protect the ligaments on the outside of the ankle from overstretching. Then balance eversion with a slight inversion force by activating the tibialis posterior. Note how these muscles combine to dynamize the longitudinal foot arch, as shown. Repeat on the other leg.
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex, abduct, and externally rotate.
• The knees flex.
• The ankles plantarflex.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk extends.
• The shoulders flex and externally rotate.
• The elbows flex.
Happy practicing : )





Well-Known Member
Utthita Parsvakonasana - Extended Lateral Angle Pose
This is one of the standing poses in which the pelvis faces forward, parallel to the front plane of the body. It is the natural progression from Warrior II, with one hand placed on the floor and the other stretching upward over the head.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The back foot turns in 30 degrees and supinates.
• The front foot turns out 90 degrees.
• The back knee extends.
• The back hip extends and externally rotates.
• The trunk laterally flexes and rotates up.
• The lower-side shoulder abducts and the elbow extends.
• The upper-side arm abducts and flexes overhead, with the elbow extending.
• The upper-side forearm pronates.
• The cervical spine rotates the head to face upward with the neck slightly extended.
From Yoga Mat Companion 1
"Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Dandasana - Staff Pose
Dandasana is like a home position that we return to between various supine and prone postures on the floor. This is analogous to how we use Tadasana to recalibrate during the standing poses. It is useful as a “barometer” to gauge the transformation that takes place during our individual practice sessions. As with Chataranga Dandasana, we can also practice Dandasana by itself to strengthen the muscles that hold the back and knees straight and stable, along with those that bend the hip in a controlled fashion.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex.
• The knees extend.
• The ankles are neutral.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk extends.
• The shoulders adduct and externally rotate.
• The elbows extend.
• The forearms pronate.
• The wrists extend.
From "Yoga Mat Companion 2 - Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Supta Padangusthasana B - Sleeping Big Toe Pose
In this version of the pose, the held leg is abducted to the side, intensely stretching the hamstrings. This is similar to the standing pose Trikonasana.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD.
Basic Joint Positions
• The hip of the leg on the mat extends and internally rotates.
• The hip of the held leg flexes, abducts, and externally rotates.
• The knees extend.
• The trunk extends and the cervical spine rotates.
• The shoulder on the held-leg side abducts and externally rotates.
• The elbow extends.
• The other shoulder adducts and internally rotates.
• The elbow flexes slightly.
• The forearm pronates.
From "Yoga Mat Companion 2 - Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana - Revolving Head to Knee Pose
This pose resembles Parighasana but differs in that the bended leg is placed in a manner similar to Janu Sirsasana. The knee can be abducted progressively, or drawn further backward, to intensify the stretch of the adductor group of muscles on the inside of the thigh.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The bent-leg hip flexes, abducts, and externally rotates.
• The knee of the same leg flexes.
• The straight-leg hip flexes and externally rotates.
• The knee of the same leg extends.
• The trunk flexes and rotates.
• The shoulders abduct and flex.
• The elbows flex.
• The forearms supinate.
• The wrists flex.
From "Yoga Mat Companion 3 - Anatomy for Backbends and Twists"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Savasana: Corpse Pose
Img1 - Savasana, or Corpse pose, completes the cycle. The Sun Salutations have reset the muscle lengths in the brain and heated the body. The specific poses have lengthened the muscles surrounding the various joints, stimulating nerve conduction and illuminating the Chakras. The inversions have reconnected us to the parasympathetic nervous system. Now we are ready for deep relaxation.
Theta brain wave patterns predominate in Savasana, with electrical activity oscillating and vibrating at a frequency of 4-8 Hz. This state of brain function engages the intuitive unconscious mind, accessing deep seated memories and connecting to the collective unconscious. Healing occurs in this state. Deeper states of Savasana take the brain wave pattern into Delta (0.5-2 Hz frequency). This is the brain wave state of dreaming.
Passively look inside during Savasana and see the subtle energetic body, illustrated here floating above the physical body.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Img2 - This image illustrates nerve conduction in the brain. Note the electrical activity at the synaptic junctions where the neurons interact. This activity increases during Yoga practice as consciousness of the body awakens.



Well-Known Member
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I - Pigeon Pose Preparation
The front hip rotates externally. Muscles limiting external rotation include those that internally rotate the hips. These are the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata. Creating length in these muscles allows the hip to turn out more, deepening this aspect of the pose.
The back hip extends. Muscles limiting extension include the hip flexors. These are the psoas, pectineus, adductor longus and brevis, rectus femoris, and sartorius. Creating length in these muscles frees the hip to extend more deeply.
The shoulders and arms flex or rise over the head to grasp the belt (or foot in the final pose). Muscles limiting shoulder flexion include those that extend the shoulders. These are the latissimus dorsi, teres major, the back portion of the deltoid, and the lower part of the pectoralis major. Creating length in these muscles frees the shoulders and arms to reach back further over the head.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Parivrtta Trikonasana - Revolving Triangle Pose
The Revolving Triangle is a pose that connects the opposite-side hand to the foot, transmitting a twist across the trunk and spine. The core muscles of the shoulder turn the trunk in the opposite direction of the hips, creating the twist.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The back foot turns in 30 degrees and supinates.
• The front foot turns out 90 degrees.
• The back hip extends.
• The front hip flexes.
• Both knees extend.
• The trunk laterally flexes and rotates.
• The upper shoulder externally rotates and abducts.
• The lower shoulder internally rotates and abducts.
• The cervical spine rotates to turn the head to face upward.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Supta Padangusthasana - Bent Knee Version
This version of the Sleeping Big Toe Pose has the knee of the stretching leg bent. This action focuses the stretch on the region where the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings, along the back of the thigh, are attached to the bones. Most of the stretch is accomplished by connecting the hands to the foot and using the force of the upper arms, shoulders, and back to draw the foot downwards.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hip of the leg on the floor extends and internally rotates.
• The knee extends.
• The foot everts.
• The toes extend.
• The hip of the held leg flexes and adducts.
• The knee flexes.
• The trunk flexes.
• The shoulders flex, abduct, and externally rotate.
• The elbows flex.
• The forearms supinate.
• The wrists flex.
From "Yoga Mat Companion 2 - Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III
This variation of the Warrior involves balancing on one leg with the arms extended forward and palms together, suggesting a loosed arrow. One can also see the progressive rotation of the pelvis from facing the front in Warrior II to turning toward the side in Warrior I, to turning square with the floor in Warrior III.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The standing hip flexes.
• The raised hip extends and internally rotates.
• The knees extend.
• The shoulders flex and the elbows extend.
• The back extends.
• The cervical spine extends slightly.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Garudasana - Eagle Pose
This pose involves balancing on one leg while the arms and legs are wrapped in a position not normally seen by the brain. As such, it is effective for training in balance and coordination.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The standing knee flexes 20 degrees.
• Both hips adduct and internally rotate.
• The back extends.
• The shoulders flex to 90 degrees and adduct.
• The elbows flex.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Utkatasana - Chair Pose
Utkatasana is a symmetrical standing pose and a natural progression from Mountain Pose, Tadasana. The stance, coiled as though preparing to jump, suggests potential energy to be unleashed. Utkatasana strengthens a number of the core muscle groups, including the muscles that flex the pelvis, the quadriceps, and the lower back muscles.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The knees flex.
• The hips adduct and flex.
• The back extends.
• The shoulders flex overhead and
externally rotate.
• The elbows extend.
• The forearms pronate.
• The cervical spine extends to tilt
the head back.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II
This version of the Warrior pose has the pelvis facing toward the front. Note that the progression of the standing poses in this book has the pelvis facing forward, then to the side, and finally turning. This sequence “walks” the effect of the poses around the core muscles of the pelvis, especially the psoas.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The back foot rotates inward 30 degrees and supinates.
• The back knee extends.
• The back hip extends and externally rotates.
• The front hip and knee flex to 90 degrees.
• Both shoulders abduct and externally rotate.
• The elbows extend.
• The forearms pronate.
• The cervical spine rotates to turn the head.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Vrksasana - Tree Pose
As the name suggests, this standing pose involves balancing on one leg with the arms together and reaching skyward, like a sapling. It is considered the easier of the one-legged balancing poses because the bones of the upper body are stacked over the long bones of the standing leg. This leaves the trunk muscles and other muscle groups with less work when balancing the limbs.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. A darker shade of color represents a stronger force of stretch or contraction in a muscle.
From “The Key Poses of Yoga”
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The standing hip is neutral.
• The standing knee extends.
• The raised-leg hip flexes, abducts,
and externally rotates.
• The raised-leg knee flexes.
• The back extends slightly.
• The shoulders abduct and flex
• The elbows extend.
• The palms flex slightly.
From Yoga Mat Companion 1 -
"Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Paschimottanasana - Intense Stretch to the West
This pose is a symmetrical forward bend that intensely and evenly stretches the calf muscles, the muscles down the back of the thigh, the large buttock muscles, and the muscles that run down the length of the spine. The upper extremities connect to the lower extremities to transmit the force of the stretch to the spine and trunk. In other words, the hands grasp the feet of the outstretched legs and gently pull, helping to fold the torso.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga" by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex.
• The knees extend.
• The ankles plantarflex.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk flexes.
• The shoulders flex, abduct, and externally rotate.
• The elbows flex.
• The forearms pronate.
• The wrists extend.
From "Yoga Mat Companion 2 - Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana - Half-Bound Lotus Forward Bend
This pose binds the shoulder to the opposite hip. Bending the torso forward over the straight leg stretches the muscles at the back of the thigh, hip, and back. As a half-lotus, it is considered asymmetrical and is useful for identifying differences between the two sides of the body.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From The Key Poses of Yoga by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The straight-leg hip flexes.
• The knee extends.
• The ankle plantar flexes.
• The foot everts.
• The bent-leg hip flexes, abducts, and externally rotates.
• The ankle plantar flexes.
• The foot everts.
• The trunk flexes.
• The front-arm shoulder flexes, abducts, and externally rotates.
• The back-arm shoulder extends, adducts, and internally rotates.
• The elbows flex.
• The forward wrist flexes.
• The back wrist extends.
From Yoga Mat Companion 2 "Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - Revolving Lateral Angle Pose (Lunge Variation)
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana turns the pelvis and trunk in opposite directions. This action creates a stretch of the core muscles surrounding the spine. Stabilize this pose by activating the front leg psoas and back leg gluteus maximus. The result is a “wringing” effect across the pelvis, where there is pull and counter-pull from the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the pelvis. Pushing off with the back foot and resisting with the front foot further stabilizes the pose.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The back foot rotates inward 90 degrees.
• The front foot turns out 90 degrees.
• The front hip and knee flex to 90 degrees.
• The back hip extends and externally rotates.
• The trunk laterally flexes and rotates.
• The wrists extend and the elbows flex.
• The shoulders abduct.
• The cervical spine rotates to turn the head to face upward.
From "Anatomy for Vinyasa Flow and Standing Poses"
by Ray Long MD





Well-Known Member
Navasana - Boat Pose
Navasana resembles a boat floating in the water. The arms form the gunwhales, and the legs and torso form the hull. This pose flexes the trunk in an “open chain” fashion, strengthening the psoas and quadriceps muscles at the front of the hip and thighs, as well as the abdomen.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex.
• The knees extend.
• The ankles plantar flex.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk flexes.
• The shoulders flex, adduct, and externally rotate.
• The forearms are neutral.
From "Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Janu Sirsasana - Head-to-Knee Pose
Janu Sirsasana is an asymmetric forward bend. It is similar to the hurdlers’ stretch that athletes perform during warmup. This pose creates an intense stretch of the hamstrings in the straight leg. As with other poses that connect the upper and lower extremities, Janu Sirsasana also affects the lower back and shoulders. Focusing one’s attention on the bent leg can be used to refine this pose.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex.
• The knees extend.
• The ankles plantarflex.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk flexes.
• The shoulders flex, abduct, and externally rotate.
• The elbows flex.
• The forearms pronate.
• The wrists extend.
From "Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends" by Ray Long MD




Well-Known Member
Ubhaya Padangusthasana - Both Feet Big Toe Pose
Ubhaya Padangusthasana, sometimes known as Jumping in With Both Feet, combines a forward bend and balancing pose. It connects the upper and lower extremities and uses the arms and shoulders to deepen the pose.
Pink muscles are stretching and blue muscles are contracting. The shade of the color represents the force of the stretch and the force of contraction. Darker = stronger.
From "The Key Poses of Yoga"
by Ray Long MD
Basic Joint Positions
• The hips flex.
• The knees extend.
• The ankles plantar flex.
• The feet evert.
• The trunk flexes.
• The shoulders flex, adduct, and externally rotate.
• The elbows extend.
• The forearms supinate.
From "Anatomy for Hip Openers and Forward Bends"
by Ray Long MD


