Brown splotches on fan leaves

This is my first time growing, and I’m a little past 3 weeks of flower with this Auto Blueberry by seedsman. A few days ago i noticed these brown splotches forming on some of the fan leaves, is this a calcium deficiency or something else? Any thoughts would be appreciated


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Well-Known Member
I'm torn between Ca and Mg. It looks like it's on the older leaves. The yellowing blotchy leaves with brown patches looks like Mg. The leaves with the small circular brown spots looks like Ca. Might be worth adding some CalMag.

Red Mac

New Member
This is my first time growing, and I’m a little past 3 weeks of flower with this Auto Blueberry by seedsman. A few days ago i noticed these brown splotches forming on some of the fan leaves, is this a calcium deficiency or something else? Any thoughts would be appreciated
Hi, New grower myself, I'm having the same problem with my bcn critical mass, wondering if you managed to resolve the problem, looking at the chart attached to this thread looks like a manganese deficiency?IMG_20200804_082059.jpgIMG_20200804_082823.jpg

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Yes mainly middle of the plant and early flowering, ordered calmag to remedy the situation, thanks for the advice
Np! Hope it fixes the issues. Bear in mind it can take a few days for the spots to stop progrsssing. Then look out for new ones