
Well-Known Member
McCains wife is a chairperson on the board of directors of a Budweiser distributor (Hensley & Co.), she does not own Budweiser.. Budweiser is a subsidiary of Anheuser Busch which is a publicly held company.

McCains wife's father was the founder of Hensley & Co. which is only a wholesaler and distributor of Anheuser Busch products in Phoenix, Az.
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Well-Known Member
~lol~ I was thinking the very same thing, Dank. I'm not a home brewer, but I boycotted Budweiser years ago in favor of GOOD beer. :mrgreen:


You should give it a shot Vi, Good beer is worth waiting for....
I bought a Book of Pale Ales by Terry Foster. Good reading.
You said that you like Belgian Beers (Bier), Do you have any favorites?
I spent a year brewing nothing but Dubels and Tripels and Saisons.
I also enjoy a good Wit after mowing the lawn.


Well-Known Member
" Jeder muß an etwas glauben, und ich glaube, ich trinke noch einen."

Translation: Everyone must believe in something, and I believe, I'll drink one more.


Well-Known Member
I don't care for beer, it's the hops (tastes like I'm drinking perfume :x). Then Dave got into homebrewing, very yeasty, bready Heffeweizens. OH MY GOD, that stuff is positively quaffable! His peach Heffe... oh man. Too bad I can't handle alcohol, huh? And even worse, he hasn't brewed in about two years! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Then I'd have to put that pee to good use, wouldn't I? ;)

I still prefer Dave's Heffeweizens, he cuts down on the hops since I don't care for the bitterness. :)


New Member
You should give it a shot Vi, Good beer is worth waiting for....
I bought a Book of Pale Ales by Terry Foster. Good reading.
You said that you like Belgian Beers (Bier), Do you have any favorites?
I spent a year brewing nothing but Dubels and Tripels and Saisons.
I also enjoy a good Wit after mowing the lawn.
A couple of things ...

1. I have a very addictive personality. If I started brewing my own beer, I'd drink it to excess.

2. One more hobby and I wouldn't have time to work.

3. I'm almost completely off of alcohol and don't keep it in any form in the house. I decided to stay off of alcohol at the same time I decided to get off of narcotic pain medication.

4. Overall, I was always more of a hard liqueur guy than a beer person.

I know you love the home brewing, Dank ... and If I were so inclined I'd love to communicate with you on how best to do it. :)



Well-Known Member
A couple of things ...

1. I have a very addictive personality. If I started brewing my own beer, I'd drink it to excess.
Actually I drink less because of the Homebrewing, It takes me 5 hours to do a brew session(I'm an all grain brewer) and 1 week in Primary fermentation, 2 weeks in Secondary fermentation (aging) and 2 - 3 weeks in bottle (for natural carbonation.)

2. One more hobby and I wouldn't have time to work.
After the intitial brew is done, fermentation is reliviely hands off until bottling time. Which takes about 1.5 hours.

3. I'm almost completely off of alcohol and don't keep it in any form in the house. I decided to stay off of alcohol at the same time I decided to get off of narcotic pain medication.
I can understand that, I try to stay away from narcotic pain meds as much as possible.

4. Overall, I was always more of a hard liqueur guy than a beer person.

I know you love the home brewing, Dank ... and If I were so inclined I'd love to communicate with you on how best to do it. :)

Thank you, any advice you may want, I am always here to help....
BTW the co2 released from the fermentation is beneficial to the plants.