CenCal Organic Grow, Blueberry Gum, Lemon Haze, White Widow, Master Kush


Active Member
What's Up RollItUP community?!,

Been waiting to get my grow on before I started putting up pictures, just to make sure I didn't jynx anything going on indoors or out. (Ill post my indoor when I grow some DWC again but for now I am soil) So here's first April harvest, yes FIRST harvest for me because I plant in a batch in December and I am usually rewarded with light to mild rains until April when I pull em and replant again for October harvest. If your in the valley you can do this too, plenty easy when you live in this desert. All plants are Blueberry Gum, the 5 gallon buckets were my mothers for my indoor crop for a while, but I am on the search for a new flavor, I heard Girl Scout Cookie is the new epic squeeze, maybe who knows whatever is mold and heat tolerant I am down for.
IMG_8571.jpgI used Botanicare Pro Grow, Pro Bloom, Hydroplex, (Proud user of all Botanicare Products!!) G.H. CalMag+, Unsulfered Molasses, and Dark Brown Sugar. Flushed with Advanced Nutes Final Phase becuase I couldnt find Botanicare Clearex for two weeks in any of my city.

After Harvest I only liked one of the phenos i got off the Blueberry Gum, it was one that tasted like you inhaling through a candy cigarette, kept it for the reveg and used seeds from my freebie collection. It was weird not knowing what the plant was going to turn out to be, I have been growing Blueberry Gum for 2 years and everytime I sprouted a bean I know it was going to be killer plant. It was such a breeze, but luckly these next girls would be too.
I grew all of these girls outside (May 10th 2012) after being inside my veg tent for about a week, the stayed under the sun for about a month and then I picked the strongest 11 and sold the others off, why not, they were in brand new grow bag with FoxFarm Ocean Forest, and hardened off...they moved fast. The plants I kept were I fed Fox Farm Grow Big with a little unsulfered molasses to keep the soil thriving for the uptake of my Botanicare flowering combo. I feed my plants on the heavy side, but I anticipate initial signs of nute lock outs and stresses and left of the throttle some.

These are the girls as of late June/ early July
IMG_2494.jpgPanorama Shot

Fast forward and stop adding Pro Grow and Switch to Pro Bloom, Hydroplex, Calmag+, Dark Brown Sugar, and Unsulfered molasses and here's what going on today


IMG_2285.jpgThe whole family.

I am going to be harvesting in intervals starting with the dominant indicas who's life cycle is wrapping up nicely. I should be completely done by Oct. 17th

Thanks for checking my grow out, feel free to ask any questions, and thanks to all the central valley farmers who are working to grow our own award winning strains heres to you


Well-Known Member
Nice to see this grow. I'm groaning out a couple blueberry gum this summer and I'm really looking forward to it!!