Colloidal silver killed my auto??


I put 30 ppm colloidal silver on one single branch of an auto that had just showed sex the day before and after using the silver the second time the plant died over night. I also switched from my 400 watt mh bulb to the 400 watt hps on the same night I sprayed the branch the first time, then the second night I sprayed it again and it was dead in 8 or 9 hours. Anyone ever had this happen? Or have any idea what may have caused it to happen? Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
You can dose marijuana with 1000 ppm daily and you won't kill it. Unless of course you dosed it directly under the heat of that 400. Either way it's not the colloidal silver unless of course you don't actually have colloidal silver.

But the fact you put this is breeders section leads me to believe you want the seller to eventually see. But I don't know nothing so..


Well-Known Member
When I spray autos , I choose a branch or two. ( mark them ) , usually lower growth areas .
I spray the node areas beginning about 3 or 4 week of growth ( just before it will transition ) , narrow window sometimes.
It throws lady nuts and rest of plant continues as usual. This way I can get pollen and consumable weed from main areas.

I use a foam cup ( cut ) as a collar to avoid overspray.


or even easier ….

Grow 2 autos in a solo ….. CS one of them completely , other will be the seed momma.
First plant will throw nuts / pollen.
Second plant will be transplanted for normal growth , but when it begins preflower , mark a couple branches , then carefully pollinate those when preflowers are showing ( makeup brush / Qtip ) .

That plant will grow both weed to use and seeds at bottom.
OR you can completely pollinate that full plant and get a shit ton of seeds.
