CoosBay Grower


Well-Known Member
i like the purple buds, kinda small for this time of the year though some of the plants look like they just began to flower hope they finish in time


Active Member
LMFAO...I live in curry co. we use to say "Oregon Big Bud Loggers", feel free to use the phrase....Looking to up the anny a bit... Currently recieving 2 oz. plus jar butter and bag of shake per month $0.00.....The quality and size of the buds could come up and 1 more oz., possibly some hash or oil or product to produce own...Just had knee surgery in june, unemployed no income....yet to see a cola, or big bud, and grower made out big with the outdoor this year leaving me the usual monthly crap...

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Funny video homes! haha And that was a nice trunk you cut down there! I'm currently doing the multi-topping method where I just remove it branch by branch and hang dry. I find the spacing creates better airflow, makes trimming much easier, and allows you to remove a lot more plant matter that contains moisture and leftover nutrients/chlorophyll that could be absorbed by the buds as it dries and thus effect flavor. But to each his own, right? :)

Looked like the buds were a little small and you could have gone longer, tho. Did you choose to pull due to weather? Or did you look at the buds under a magnifying glass and see the trichomes change from cloudy to amber?
