Death seems to be near...


Well my plant was lovely and healthy in its first week of flowering, then this morning I noticed all day today they have drooped more and more and now are shriveling intensly. There is no discoloration nor do the stems/tops have anything seemingly wrong. just all the fan leaves are hugging the stems. I did noticed during my inspecting in the bottom of my pot theres tiny tiny tiny whitish bugs crawling around. I'm a horrible searcher and havent come across any answers or solutions as to what I need to do. (searching for camera for pics if needbe)


Will post pics in 11ish hours, dark period right now and it couldnt be under water i dont think. i check the weight constantly and keep it up to where it needs to be and over water...possible but with the way my soil drys out 3-4 inches every day idk about that. my soil doesnt stay moist long i use a gallon each water. ph is at 6.4-5 and temps at a constant 81F with 50RH


I use the grow box. and FF soil, and what about those tiny white bugs around the drainage holes? should I just be a little more thorough in drying and getting the dip area drier after waters?


Just did, nothing still no discoloration. Starting to agree with the over watering, but to be safe I cleaned a fresh pot and put it in fresh soil seems to be getting much happier now. perking up again :)