Do my plants look ok?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any food for them? You may have to give them a SMALL dose of food, like 1/8th strength to get them going. I don't see any organic material in that soil from the pics, just bark and wood chips.


Ya I have some food, I’ll try that and I’ll be sure to give them a small dose. I should have used better dirt from the start for the grow. Do you think they are worth trying to grow or should I start over?


Active Member
i mean you can always transplant them into better dirt but i dont know how well that medium will hold moving the plants

Organic Altruism

Well-Known Member
That looks like the kind of soil they use to grow trees in 5 gallon pots. That kind of stuff is no good for cannabis, especially young seedlings. If it looks like bark all the way through like it does on top, it is gonna kill those plants. I recommend transplanting them into an organic bagged potting mix that has peat moss and perlite as it's 2 main ingredients. People around here seem to love FoxFarm's Ocean Forest or Roots Organic, but I've used other brands with the same success.

They may call it weed, but you sure can't treat it like one.


Well-Known Member
I've had a similar problem years ago.
I rounded it off to be either over watering meaning drainage as well, or temperature.
The temp wasn't good at the time they were outdoors and it turned cold and this happened to the leafs.
I put the plant indoors on a window sill and obviously the soil dried out quicker as the plant was in a warmer place and the temp was reaching over 20c in the window, the plants leafs that were effected stayed crinkled but still grew,and new growth was normal.
I didn't add anymore nutes, firstly think about the environment you grow the temp right day and nite.
And wether the soil is drying out quick enough as it would in high temps.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I meant to say
Get some quality soil like the guys mentioned above.
Bark holds water.
I bet you don't get much run-off when you water do you.


Active Member
Shitty growing medium! No aeration. Good luck on your grow cuz you’ll need it, especially with that soil! It’s a long way to the finish line!

Organic Altruism

Well-Known Member
Now that's more like it! They look happy in those solo cups. I would allow for 3-5 days before you notice them really start to bounce back and flourish. Be sure not to over water!