Does the expansion of settlements hinder the peace process?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So if all Muslims are extremists, then all Christians are Westboro Baptists.
another false equivalence.

pretty much everyone on the planet agrees these fuckheads are retarded, they dont actually DO anything and have never hurt anything but FEELING with their drivel.

contrast this with facts of islam:

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

i could provide more, but whats the point.
you are quite aware that moslems support and approve of the suicide bombers, hamas and hezzbollah, and consider them all to be noble heroes fighting back against the evils of western capitalist hegemony, while anyone who approves of israel is by definition a hateful zionist statist.

you would support the nazis if their rhetoric were more in keeping with your bnullshit views, you dont give a squirt of piss why the pallies are doing what they are doing, or how moslem dominion effects the people under their control, the muzzzies are opposing your personal boogeymen right now, the west, capitalism, freedom, democracy and the values of civilization, which includes ORDER, and anyone fighting against those ideals is aces in your book. of course you assume that youll be able to turn on the muzzies and establish your anarcho-utopian society once they have helped you destroy civilization.

this is ridiculous of course, but nobody has ever accused you of being a deep thinker, in fact pretty much every comment you have ever made demonstrates that you are quite simpleminded.

now go ahead with the word games you think are so clever, or the posting of more non-sequitor images which you foolishly believe are evidence of anything beyond your own stupidity, but before you do...

I'm Polymerized Tree Sap, and You're an Organic Adhesive!

neener neener neener.


Well-Known Member
So if all Muslims are extremists, then all Christians are Westboro Baptists.
First of all, I didn't see Doc say ALL Muslims were extremists in any of his posts.

Secondly, the Westboro Baptists aren't killing anyone as far as I've heard, big difference. They are total dicks but they are as harmless as they are annoying and within their rights to be dicks. Let's do a 15 year body count tally of the Westboro church vs Islamist extremists. Feeling stupid yet?

Thirdly, they are ostracized and condemned by the Christian community on a regular basis. I have yet to see any other Christian group/organization/church sing their merits. I've seen quite a few polls from various countries showing support for the extremists.


Well-Known Member
He never said you weren't the product of a chance anal encounter he had with a leprous whore either. Does that mean you should be calling him daddy?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
He never said that wasn't his view either.
yes. yes i have. many times.

dim witted people often forget little details when they are busy preparing their next brainless retort.

islam is founded on violence, hate, and the assumption that my god is better than your god, so i can do whatever i want to you.

but so is christianity, judaism and all the various flavours of dogmatic authoritarian religion. MOST of the rest of the world has grown out of this foolishness.

only the most orthodox of moslems and a few other primitive tribal cults still maintain that anyone who is not part of the club can be treated as chattel.

in a truely orthodox retrograde christian (westboro baptist) jewish (the Irgun) or hindu (thuggee) cult, sectarian violence is mostly just rhetoric with shockingly few actuual murders performed in the last 50 years, but in "islam" vast swaths of the populace indulge in religiously motivated violence against Kaffirs (anyone not a moslem in the view of the asshole with the gun) women, moslem dissenters, passing travellers, anyone who has something they want, anyone who refuses to surrender and submit, and anyone who hasnt joined their nasty little cult. and that means just about EVERYBODY on the planet is kaffir to some variety of islam.

but of course you know this, you only pay lip service to the muzzies because they are currently advancing part of your personal agenda, notably the destruction of civilization, but youll be singing a different tune as soon as you find they are no longer useful to your schemes.

muzzies can dewstroy civilization all they like, but when they try to rebuild the societies they destroyed in their own image, thats when you imagine the "Vast Hordes" of anarcho-____________ists and "Libertarian Socialists" will rise up and establish the utopian Candyland of your fantasies.

Protip: muzzies have been destroying societies and replacing them with their own shit for 1100 years, they are pretty good at it. your imaginary army of coffeehouse dilettantes and marxist beard strokers will fail, just as they failed in egypt libya and lebanon during the "arab spring".


Well-Known Member
For all you israel lovers out there and you know who you are, what do you think about Israel selling US made patriot missles (made by raytheon) to the Red Chinese. I believe the plan was to clone the technology and sell them to other countries, with friends (allies) like that who needs enemies.Israel will throw US under bus anytime it wants.


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot they are the only democrocy in the middleeast so its ok for them to steal from US and sell to our enemies, sorry about that


Well-Known Member
islam is founded on violence, hate, and the assumption that my god is better than your god
I stopped reading here. You're a complete idiot.

Israel is a theocratic and fascist state.

You defend against, "He never said he didn't hate all Muslims either", with this crap.

You intentionally misspell Muslim everytime, because you hate Islam and you refer to Palestinians as "Pallies" because calling them Hajis would be too obvious.

You're also just a bigot, as evidenced here:


Well-Known Member
For all you israel lovers out there and you know who you are, what do you think about Israel selling US made patriot missles (made by raytheon) to the Red Chinese. I believe the plan was to clone the technology and sell them to other countries, with friends (allies) like that who needs enemies.Israel will throw US under bus anytime it wants.

I am quite sure you are not educated, thoughtful cleared to think on the level of Global Politics Real...obviously. Butt Amateur in the cheap seats.

But, we will kill to keep your right to present these confusions. It is not beyond my thought. Alas, it is still beyond my security clearance.

Clinton sold advanced missile guidance systems to both India and China at the same time. Best Far East move since Nixon on China.

The message seemed simple to me, at the time though the PUBS choked on their biscuits.

Get into Space or kill and eat each other. We care not. They both chose Space and the world is better.

Nixon choose China over S. Viet Nam. REAL. We are not supposed to be lied to, tapped danced on, etc.

But, when 3/4 of America is asleep in the safety, it always has to get rough, first.

FDR hide the horror of the Nazi from us, as he hide the menace of the Rising Sun. Cost us a lot for social theory and the timing insured the 3rd term for bucky's hero. However, all that, put us way ahead, proved our way of life, and Millions died. The next Pres. dropped the Bomb.

We, now, have staggering debt but guard the sea lanes. <sigh>


Well-Known Member
another false equivalence.

pretty much everyone on the planet agrees these fuckheads are retarded, they dont actually DO anything and have never hurt anything but FEELING with their drivel.

contrast this with facts of islam:

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

i could provide more, but whats the point.
you are quite aware that moslems support and approve of the suicide bombers, hamas and hezzbollah, and consider them all to be noble heroes fighting back against the evils of western capitalist hegemony, while anyone who approves of israel is by definition a hateful zionist statist.

you would support the nazis if their rhetoric were more in keeping with your bnullshit views, you dont give a squirt of piss why the pallies are doing what they are doing, or how moslem dominion effects the people under their control, the muzzzies are opposing your personal boogeymen right now, the west, capitalism, freedom, democracy and the values of civilization, which includes ORDER, and anyone fighting against those ideals is aces in your book. of course you assume that youll be able to turn on the muzzies and establish your anarcho-utopian society once they have helped you destroy civilization.

this is ridiculous of course, but nobody has ever accused you of being a deep thinker, in fact pretty much every comment you have ever made demonstrates that you are quite simpleminded.

now go ahead with the word games you think are so clever, or the posting of more non-sequitor images which you foolishly believe are evidence of anything beyond your own stupidity, but before you do...

I'm Polymerized Tree Sap, and You're an Organic Adhesive!

neener neener neener.
It seems that the common thread of these Pew polls is that any group, namely Hamas and Hezbollah in this case, that opposes Israel and it's expansion into the area known as the West Bank, has the blessing and support of the majority of those countries mentioned. Actually, the whole Middle East feels the same way. What's the surprise here?. We, meaning the US, get stuck in the same boat with that bunch of Zionist miscreants, therefore putting a bulls eye on the chest of every American in the world. So what do you do, try to kill every Muslim that hates Israel, or do something serious to address the root cause of all this anger, which is Israel's intransigence to starting any dialogue at all, while they continue daily to take land in disputed areas.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It seems that the common thread of these Pew polls is that any group, namely Hamas and Hezbollah in this case, that opposes Israel and it's expansion into the area known as the West Bank, has the blessing and support of the majority of those countries mentioned. Actually, the whole Middle East feels the same way. What's the surprise here?. We, meaning the US, get stuck in the same boat with that bunch of Zionist miscreants, therefore putting a bulls eye on the chest of every American in the world. So what do you do, try to kill every Muslim that hates Israel, or do something serious to address the root cause of all this anger, which is Israel's intransigence to starting any dialogue at all, while they continue daily to take land in disputed areas.
ohh so Pew Research is biased against the pallies?

or are they in fact run by jews and thus untrustworthy?

spit it out. which one is it?

i COULD produce other polls from other organizations, but im curious why you think the Pew polls are worthless.

further, the "intransigence" is not coming from the israelis, only a small minority of hardline and orthodox jewish groups take the position that all of the levant is part of israel and thus should be annexed.

meanwhile a HUGE percemntage of the other side ( hamas/hezzbollah/fatah/milittants, the pallies in general, or in fact the entire moslem world, take your pick, the numbers dont change much between them) insist that all of the middle east is part of "palestine" so when they say "palestinian state" they include the territory now called israel, not just the west bank gaza and a few "land swaps", just as they claim that every arab or moslem in the levant is a "palestinian" and is subject to "apartheid" including the 20% of israel's population who are treated just like any other israeli citizen.

if israel were REALLY intent on exterminating the palestinians, they would pretty much have to kill of ewvery arab in israel too, including members of the knesset, a few generals, a few police captains,, a few members of their supreme court, a large number of officers and soildiers in the IDF, and a great many landowners, businessmen, doctors, lawyers reporters etc... who all just happen to be moslems and arabs, as well as free and independent members of the israeli population. israel is not oppressing suppressing or exterminating 20% of it's population, they are maintaining an OCCUPATION ZONE you waffling twat.

and occupation of a territory which was annexed by jordan when the brits left, despite the plan to have it administered by the UN, with an eye toiwards an eventual palestinian state...

when jordan attacked in '48, they LOST IT TO THE IDF despite is never having been part of jordan's grant from the brits in the first place, and the jordanians were pronmised in '67 if they didnt attack israel, they could fucklng have the west bank back... the jordanians decided to roll the dice, and they lost again.

get the facts straight or offer your opinions prefaced with: "i dont really know shit about whats gone on there for the last 60 years but...."


Well-Known Member
It seems that the common thread of these Pew polls is that any group, namely Hamas and Hezbollah in this case, that opposes Israel and it's expansion into the area known as the West Bank, has the blessing and support of the majority of those countries mentioned. Actually, the whole Middle East feels the same way. What's the surprise here?. We, meaning the US, get stuck in the same boat with that bunch of Zionist miscreants, therefore putting a bulls eye on the chest of every American in the world. So what do you do, try to kill every Muslim that hates Israel, or do something serious to address the root cause of all this anger, which is Israel's intransigence to starting any dialogue at all, while they continue daily to take land in disputed areas.

Have you ever heard the term Ugly American? Embrace it. That term is from the 50s. No sense saying every Muslim no one is saying that. All Muslims...the sneaky, two faced victims of all time? No. Not yet, but they need to stand up like we did against the Klan.

If you ramp into all this hyper dialogue what do you expect? Hate speech from you. No law against except for Subjects.

You have to learn everything, including this slanted point of view. So, not denigrating you for thinking and continuing the dialog, it is just the the ones you speak of hate us from WW2. From Gestapo. And you are hardly being neutral.

Stuck in the same boat? Do you even understand we sell arms to Egypt and Jordan? We have never intervened for Israel. You are in a fantasy.

So, it sound like you blame the jews for the world being a dangerous place for Americans. What???

So, polls are a tool of manipulation. You get what you ask from who you ask with how you ask, very cynical. Find other facts, if you can. In war it is all manipulated. Read the history, the Poet Cowboy among us has a remarkable grasp of the situation in the Levant.

But, I guess few listen, most argue, call names, bate race, bate gender, and bate their little master with the their other hand and, then switch. Thumb in nose, thumb in butt.

There is no way to just freeze time, take sides and blame the jews. The blessing and support of what countries? The ones, including Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon plus Iran....all these have convienenced you that if the jew does this, they like it but it they do that, then the frown on it. :( ??? Come on.

This is an armed fighting truce, that you wish, was so simple. If the jews would only.....never again.

Don't you even understand what that means? If the jews would only....Never Again.


Well-Known Member
ohh so Pew Research is biased against the pallies?

or are they in fact run by jews and thus untrustworthy?

spit it out. which one is it?

i COULD produce other polls from other organizations, but im curious why you think the Pew polls are worthless.

further, the "intransigence" is not coming from the israelis, only a small minority of hardline and orthodox jewish groups take the position that all of the levant is part of israel and thus should be annexed.

meanwhile a HUGE percemntage of the other side ( hamas/hezzbollah/fatah/milittants, the pallies in general, or in fact the entire moslem world, take your pick, the numbers dont change much between them) insist that all of the middle east is part of "palestine" so when they say "palestinian state" they include the territory now called israel, not just the west bank gaza and a few "land swaps", just as they claim that every arab or moslem in the levant is a "palestinian" and is subject to "apartheid" including the 20% of israel's population who are treated just like any other israeli citizen.

if israel were REALLY intent on exterminating the palestinians, they would pretty much have to kill of ewvery arab in israel too, including members of the knesset, a few generals, a few police captains,, a few members of their supreme court, a large number of officers and soildiers in the IDF, and a great many landowners, businessmen, doctors, lawyers reporters etc... who all just happen to be moslems and arabs, as well as free and independent members of the israeli population. israel is not oppressing suppressing or exterminating 20% of it's population, they are maintaining an OCCUPATION ZONE you waffling twat.

and occupation of a territory which was annexed by jordan when the brits left, despite the plan to have it administered by the UN, with an eye toiwards an eventual palestinian state...

when jordan attacked in '48, they LOST IT TO THE IDF despite is never having been part of jordan's grant from the brits in the first place, and the jordanians were pronmised in '67 if they didnt attack israel, they could fucklng have the west bank back... the jordanians decided to roll the dice, and they lost again.

get the facts straight or offer your opinions prefaced with: "i dont really know shit about whats gone on there for the last 60 years but...."
I have no problem with results of the Pew poll, and never said I did. All I said was basically that a poll was not needed to find out that Hamas and Hezbollah were popular in Muslim countries. Also, repeating the history of that area's conflicts since 1948 incessantly is tedious, and I think you have explained your opinions clearly. My point is how can this problem that is affecting the world be dealt with now? You seem to think that the state of affairs is acceptable due to the history of the area. I think that is a dangerous opinion, that so far has led nowhere. Enough excuses based on the past, things have to start improving now, and the US should lead the way, not be dragged along behind Israel. Lastly, why do you have to belittle everyone who holds a different viewpoint than yours? It just doesn't seem very civilized. Peace


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard the term Ugly American? Embrace it. That term is from the 50s. No sense saying every Muslim no one is saying that. All Muslims...the sneaky, two faced victims of all time? No. Not yet, but they need to stand up like we did against the Klan.

If you ramp into all this hyper dialogue what do you expect? Hate speech from you. No law against except for Subjects.

You have to learn everything, including this slanted point of view. So, not denigrating you for thinking and continuing the dialog, it is just the the ones you speak of hate us from WW2. From Gestapo. And you are hardly being neutral.

Stuck in the same boat? Do you even understand we sell arms to Egypt and Jordan? We have never intervened for Israel. You are in a fantasy.

So, it sound like you blame the jews for the world being a dangerous place for Americans. What???

So, polls are a tool of manipulation. You get what you ask from who you ask with how you ask, very cynical. Find other facts, if you can. In war it is all manipulated. Read the history, the Poet Cowboy among us has a remarkable grasp of the situation in the Levant.

But, I guess few listen, most argue, call names, bate race, bate gender, and bate their little master with the their other hand and, then switch. Thumb in nose, thumb in butt.

There is no way to just freeze time, take sides and blame the jews. The blessing and support of what countries? The ones, including Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon plus Iran....all these have convienenced you that if the jew does this, they like it but it they do that, then the frown on it. :( ??? Come on.

This is an armed fighting truce, that you wish, was so simple. If the jews would only.....never again.

Don't you even understand what that means? If the jews would only....Never Again.
I have nothing against the Jewish people, whom the majority of favor a peace treaty as I'm sure you know. I do have a problem with Zionism at all cost. I really am not anti semitic believe it or not, in spite of your easy use of the word. You shouldn't label someone that simply supports a free Palestine as such. It might not be true.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against the Jewish people, whom the majority of favor a peace treaty as I'm sure you know. I do have a problem with Zionism at all cost. I really am not anti semitic believe it or not, in spite of your easy use of the word. You shouldn't label someone that simply supports a free Palestine as such. It might not be true.
Hey, fool. Did I say that word? You are bashing around the hate speech. I didn't call you anything. I am now going to simply suggest you take your head out of your ass. "your easy use of that word...." idiot.

I'm trying to help your dumb ass. Don't put words in my mouth. I am only just now labeling you. And it is not even that word, believe me.


New Member
Damning new report on EU's inaction over Israel

The European Union had failed to hold the Israeli government to account over its continuing human rights violations against Palestinians, including the demolition of houses, water systems and critical infrastructure, a damning new report has found.

In a harsh assessment, a coalition of more than 80 aid and development organisations represented by the Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA) found that despite its tough talk, the EU had not effectively addressed the Israeli policies that create &#8216;&#8216;unbearable conditions&#8217;&#8217; for many Palestinians living in the West Bank

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with results of the Pew poll, and never said I did. All I said was basically that a poll was not needed to find out that Hamas and Hezbollah were popular in Muslim countries. Also, repeating the history of that area's conflicts since 1948 incessantly is tedious, and I think you have explained your opinions clearly. My point is how can this problem that is affecting the world be dealt with now? You seem to think that the state of affairs is acceptable due to the history of the area. I think that is a dangerous opinion, that so far has led nowhere. Enough excuses based on the past, things have to start improving now, and the US should lead the way, not be dragged along behind Israel. Lastly, why do you have to belittle everyone who holds a different viewpoint than yours? It just doesn't seem very civilized. Peace
you did not "hold a different opinion" you implied the jews should just roll over and accept whatever the pallies are offering.

but they already triuued that. thats why the west bank has not simply been annexed by the israelis and all the rabble havent been pushed back into jordan where most of them came from since 1967.

israel is very unwilling to once again negotiate with any palestinian entitiy, since none of them will abide by the agreements made by the others, and they cant even stop killing each other.

hamas has only lately finished another brutal pogrom against members of the fatah party.

there is no "palestinain authority" only petty self appointed dictators who maintain their standing as "elected representatives" the same was fidel castro keeps winning, even long after he is dead, and the same way a Kim is always the dear leader. the west bank and gaza are chaotic anarcho-theocracies where the gangster with the biggest cadre of armed goons is the "glorious leader" of his little dungheap. every agreement israel has ever made with any of the pallie factions has been abrogated by another faction within days, the israelis cant make an agreement, so no agreement is possible, and all you entreaties to "think of the children" wont convince hamas to set down it's guns and roicket launcher, nor will it persuade hezzbollah to put up their bomb vests.

i did not "belittle" you, y0ou failed to embiggen yourself by examining the situation from an angle beyond what you have been told by the same people who pull the string behind abandonintellect's neck to make that fool chatter his slogans.

the conventional ignorance holds that the israelis need to stop their "genocide" and "apartheid" of the pallies, and make some concessions, stop building houses in territory the pallies insist must be theirs, and release all the plotters schemers, and bomb makers they have busted then kneel down, beg the forgiveness of the pallies for being land stealing sons of apes and pigs, submit themselves before allah, and accepot whatever punishment the pallies decide to give them.

and thats why they say Never Again...

Never Again meekly onto the cattle cars or into the 'showers"
Never Again into the labour camps
Never Again into the ghettoes
Never Again into exile.

and before you vomit up some horseshit about "look what they are doing to the pallies", pull the cock out of you5r mouth and look at what they are ACTUALLY doing to the pallies, including the 20% arab population in Actual Israel who live peacefully and prosperously alongside their jerwish neighbors, enjoying the highest standard of living in the arab world, with the highest per capita wages in the arab world, with the least disease in the arab world, with the least vioolence in the arab world, with the most freedom of the arab world, and they live under what abandonintellect calls a hateful zionist theocracy that engages in genocide (despite an 1100% rise in the palestinian polulation since 1942) and for some reason fails to apartheid anyone except on their national border to keep out the teeming masses of assholes who like to blow up schoolbusses.

your assumptions are fallacious, your assertions are sophomoric, and your prattle is beyond witless


Well-Known Member
I stopped reading here. You're a complete idiot.
That original statement ("islam is founded on violence, hate, and the assumption that my god is better than your god") is certainly true. Islam was founded on violent conquest and the assertion that other holy books were bastardized accounts of the truth. That's what disturbs me most about Islam (and gives it as much validity as Mormonism).

Of course, it's Ok to not be a Muslim, so long as you pay them a tax for it. Fuck that.


Well-Known Member
and thats why they say Never Again...

Never Again meekly onto the cattle cars or into the 'showers"
Never Again into the labour camps
Never Again into the ghettoes
Never Again into exile.
I wholeheartedly echo this sentiment. The Jews have been on the verge of extinction and are all too conscious of the fact that some in the world are eager to finish the job.