Drunk 4-year old Steals Christmas


Well-Known Member
oh my god.. thats fuckin hilarious... the mental images are priceless.. a 4 year old, drunk in a stolen dress... only in the south... thats awesome...


Well-Known Member
That is hilarious I dont know what I would do if a 4 year old knocked on my door at 2 in the morning with a beer and a stolen dress id probably think one of my friends were fucking with me.I can already imagine him drunk as shit off like a pounder sitting in some dark alley unwrapping presents.


Well-Known Member
hahaha thats the way to start a life.,.lol.,.,next hes gonna get sumone pregnant and catch a dope and pistol charge.,.,lol


Well-Known Member
And if this lady is aloud to keep this kid it will be a true Christmas miracle for her.


Well-Known Member
You ever hear that rhyme "there was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good she was very good, and when she was bad she was AWFUL" ? That's me.

i've run out of anti women insults, but good general ones include coffin dodger, god botherer, turd burglar, and a cunt like a stabwound on a gorilla's back!