fem 2 herm 2 fem ?

pluto nash

i had a nice mother plant that before i bloomed i took some clones. the last clone i bloomed from that plant went hermy on me. but during veg time that is the one i took 8 clones from.
my question is what are the odds the clones will be hermy or not. considering all the other clones from, and the mother plant. never showed any bit of being a herm


Active Member
Probably pretty high. Even though the others didn't show a hermie trait, that one did turn so that means any clones from that will have that hermie trait in them. Even if it only hermied from stress that happened after the cloning process, the clones will have that same sensitivity to stress. Dutch Masters Reverse will kill the male flowers and keep the buds from producing seeds, but that won't change the hermie tendency in the plant's genome.

pluto nash

that is what i was hoping i didn't hear.. now the choice to grow the clones into a giant waste of time. or root the clones 3 weeks and bloom then hope for the best..