Fish soil recipe

read someones journal a while ago where they used fish underneath the soil for slow release of nutrients. anyone read this and know where i can find it again? or know the recipe themselves??:joint::hump:cheers


Active Member
havnt heard to to many graet results from using smells and brings in to many unwanted plant predators....if slow release of nutes is what your looking for then mabey try something like OSMOCOTE POT SHOT,,specificly for slow release of nutes...just one among the others out there..


Well-Known Member
I gave my plants some Liquid Fish this year and they liked it. I have 8 feet tall bushes.

Organics is the best time released nutrients. If you are worried about animals and the smell, then put up a fence. Animals can destroy your entire crop even if you use chemical fertilizers that do not smell. The plants themselves will smell and rabbits and deer love it.