Good advice is required for a nice fee =)


New Member
Hi everyone,
First off I'd like to say great forums and an amazing community :) .

Second I would like pose a proposal, more or less, asking an moderately professional grower to help give me the final ready to buy items for a complete Cannabis growing kit.

  • Price range is 600~1600$
  • a fast big yield is certainly expected, given that I do my thing right :P
  • A tent or closet(Not self made)
  • yes hydroponic systems are acceptable
  • I have the time to take care of a hydroponic system and I will def inveest the time to learn very well about them. However my price range is mentioned, I'm paying you to put me out of all the dull reading to know what are the perfect items to start up with
  • fee, or my present to you :), is 50$
  • you are not required to send the items yourself, pack them, etc...only links
  • I like smart practical people :)
  • if I was asked to rate my experience regarding weed growing I would say I am quite around the whole process, but no never actually planned before.

Cheers !!!


Well-Known Member
First off, welcome to RIU!

Second, I'll let someone else help you with links. However, I suggest you eat your veggies, aka: do your dull reading. With the right head on your shoulders, you can soak up the information on this site and become a moderately fair grower in no time. Also, I don't believe the $50 is necessary, but hey... who am I to deny someone else the opportunity of taking your money. :P


Well-Known Member
This is around your price range and takes all the guess work out for you.
Even comes with the nutes and meters.

Its hard to tell what you need if we don't have the size you are able to work with.
Once you give us how much space you can use I can better create a list for you
that will have a separate mother/cloning room and flower room.

Also these are "free" suggestions, we are all here to help each other, plus that dull reading
you will need and most likely want to do even after having all your stuff setup ;)
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Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
You could sink $20,000 into a grow but if you don't know what you are doing
it's all a waste.
My one bud won a law settlement and bought thousands of dollars worth of guitars, amps and effects.
His logic: Instant Rock Star


New Member
Thanks for the replies.
I am sort of ashamed that that was my first post. I've done my lessons, read a ton of books and articles(ROLLITUP OWNS!!:bigjoint:)

I'm now already growing and will be setting up a journal pretty soon :) The setup is not very hardcore but it should give a decent yield(please share your opinions). I will be using 400W HPS/MS, I have one Yaroots hydroponic systems(4pots 45l)
and one DWC 9l bucket. Growing Big Bang Autoflowering - Feminised:weed:


New Member
This is around your price range and takes all the guess work out for you.
Even comes with the nutes and meters.

Its hard to tell what you need if we don't have the size you are able to work with.
Once you give us how much space you can use I can better create a list for you
that will have a separate mother/cloning room and flower room.

Also these are "free" suggestions, we are all here to help each other, plus that dull reading
you will need and most likely want to do even after having all your stuff setup ;)
Thanks for the reply :) I've actually already visited this website and decided a that a much more advanced system can be built for the fee they ask for starter kits.

I'm using a Secret Jardin now, 1mx1mx2m. I'm planning to make this my flowering tent and I hope I will be getting a mother keeper once I'm done with this auto flowering grow. So please stay in touch :) I will post my grow journal soon, I would really appreciate all the help I can get. Cheers bongsmilie


New Member
You could sink $20,000 into a grow but if you don't know what you are doing
it's all a waste.
My one bud won a law settlement and bought thousands of dollars worth of guitars, amps and effects.
His logic: Instant Rock Star
I never said I would like to purchase a super expensive set up which I won't know how to use ^^ I'd really like to see that plant thou =) Cheers


Well-Known Member
Yah I was going to suggest the tents ect, just hard to without knowing the size you need. Also once you figure out your tent size you can begin on what lights and set up
that will suit that tent as well as ventilation. Yah I personalty would stick with the tents or build your own. I was looking into the Secret Jardin as well for myself but I need stealth (my apartment
building needs access every now and then). So, I built a stealth grow dresser :) Awesome for one plant at a time which is enough for me. And by one plant I mean one monster ass plant lol.
Cant wait to check out your grow journal once you get it started. My baby should be big enough to start a journal today so check me out also later :)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
First off I'd like to say great forums and an amazing community :) .

Second I would like pose a proposal, more or less, asking an moderately professional grower to help give me the final ready to buy items for a complete Cannabis growing kit.

  • Price range is 600~1600$
  • a fast big yield is certainly expected, given that I do my thing right :P
  • A tent or closet(Not self made)
  • yes hydroponic systems are acceptable
  • I have the time to take care of a hydroponic system and I will def inveest the time to learn very well about them. However my price range is mentioned, I'm paying you to put me out of all the dull reading to know what are the perfect items to start up with
  • fee, or my present to you :), is 50$
  • you are not required to send the items yourself, pack them, etc...only links
  • I like smart practical people :)
  • if I was asked to rate my experience regarding weed growing I would say I am quite around the whole process, but no never actually planned before.

Cheers !!!
Well, I fit the smart, practical part. ( lol) I kinda grow decent weed, so send me a pm, no charge for the info.


Well-Known Member
i would go with hand watered coco.. its like soil but hard to overwater, it grows fast as hydro imo.. yield is good too.
some growshops have pre-made tent sets.. check those out first


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Best advice I can give, is save your money for now and go down and spend the $50 bucks you intend on giving someone else, on books by Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes.

READ THEM THOROUGHLY. Follow them to a T, I promise you, you'll know how to grow pot by the time you're done.
Good advice.

Grab the popcorn and watch this.



Well-Known Member
400w is pretty weak for your price range maybe step up to a 1k if you can, they're not that much $ these days and controlling their temperature isn't as hard as you might think... if you can get 2nd grow area going it's a lot more efficient to do like a 4 week perpetual harvest cycle going if you can get 2 flowering lights up and running, or 2 week cycle with 4 lamps. get a few good mother's going and a clone machine like turboklone, that will produce awesome 10''+ rooted clones every 2 weeks bro, then from there move them into your flowering area. this way you don't gotta wait 3+ months for new buds. :-)


Well-Known Member
So you currently have an auto flower grow going, what light cycle are you using on it/them? With the 400w? A 400 is a great start, and a great mother/veg light to have.


New Member
Hey guys! What's up? Here is something for you =) My girls is Amnesia Haze and those 5 babies are Baig Bang.

I am having some problems controlling the heat and low humidity :( I tried getting a 20 eu humidifier (which is supposed to used for rooms way bigger than the tent itself but it gave me a 5% boost no more. I'm using 400W MH at the moment which makes it a bit hot in there especially that I'm using a 10 eu knockoff reflector =/.

Tell me what you think bongsmilie


New Member
Also I am getting a second tent, this one is 1x1x2 and I'll be receiving a 1.2x1.2x2 soon (all measures are in meters :peace:).

Jut because I like technology ,and also because I don't want the police knocking down my door asking about my electricity bill, I will get a 180W Apollo led set and the plan is following:
  • I know cloning Big Bang wouldn't really make sense, so I'll finish up this batch in a regular style.
  • Next I will transfer the HPS light to the bigger tent and label it as flowering tent.
  • In the mother keeper (the older smaller tent) I will use LED's, so as usual this will open up a long fight :grin: So let's smoke a :joint: and give comprehensible advises to your new fellow grower.
  • Mainly I will keep 4 mother plants of the desired strain under LED, what I need is for them to STAY ALIVE and HEALTHY, not get get bigger or stronger or produce flowers, I have 400W MH/HPS for that.
Give me your opinions =) I am really confused with all the varieties of growing techniques and all the items being offered in the market. One must be super careful not bongsmilie much and get the wrong items .


Well-Known Member
Dude, i think your biggest problem (like mine) is that you've gone nutz deep with all the info you can get and built more problems than u can fix, scrap secondary tent ideas for flowering and concentrate on growing from seed to harvesting and curing. once you've got that done to perfection then move on to growing a bonsai mother, Keeping her alive and cloning her and growing that along with your new strains ( seeds & Germination ). no point getting LED in then plugging the HPS/MH light in as well if you're worried about power consumption?......... Use your first crop as an apprenticeship in one technique of growing then move on to more advanced techniques.

1st grow equipment I'm using -
  • 1.2 x1.2 x 2.0m tent
  • 675w (280w power consumption) LED
  • Coco
  • Clones (start quicker and cheaper than seeds)
  • BioGreen nutes Grow & Flower
  • Ceramic thermostat heater
  • Desk Fan
  • Aged Tap water
  • Charcoal Filter
  • Passive air intake
Ive nearly nute burned mine to death, cooked them too near the HPS froze them, you name it i've either done it or doing it right now. don't plan on having a massive yield just concentrate on how you rectify the problems you face then be better prepared for your next run.

RH is a problem in tents as they fluctuate temp way too much, you need an insulated grow room, Im building one soon so ill post a diary when I'm done


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New Member
Dude, i think your biggest problem (like mine) is that you've gone nutz deep with all the info you can get and built more problems than u can fix, scrap secondary tent ideas for flowering and concentrate on growing from seed to harvesting and curing. once you've got that done to perfection then move on to growing a bonsai mother, Keeping her alive and cloning her and growing that along with your new strains ( seeds & Germination ). no point getting LED in then plugging the HPS/MH light in as well if you're worried about power consumption?......... Use your first crop as an apprenticeship in one technique of growing then move on to more advanced techniques.

1st grow equipment I'm using -
  • 1.2 x1.2 x 2.0m tent
  • 675w (280w power consumption) LED
  • Coco
  • Clones (start quicker and cheaper than seeds)
  • BioGreen nutes Grow & Flower
  • Ceramic thermostat heater
  • Desk Fan
  • Aged Tap water
  • Charcoal Filter
  • Passive air intake
Ive nearly nute burned mine to death, cooked them too near the HPS froze them, you name it i've either done it or doing it right now. don't plan on having a massive yield just concentrate on how you rectify the problems you face then be better prepared for your next run.

RH is a problem in tents as they fluctuate temp way too much, you need an insulated grow room, Im building one soon so ill post a diary when I'm done

Hey man! Many thanks for the reply.
What you said is exactly what I am doing :). An amnesia haze is grwoing in a single DWC bucket and I'll be growing a 4 plant batch of Big Bang. Since the Big Bang seeds are auto I'll be keeping an 18h cycle for the whole tent, by the time I harvest my first grow I'll have one mother ready for cloning :) I don't plan to setup the next tent now, this is my future plan just because I'm investing a lot of time and money and planing on taking this as a full time job for some time =) !