How to TOP plant in Aerogarden

im am new to growing i have the exteneded 7 pod aerogardenand i was wondering how to top my lowryder plant so it will get thicker than tall,, tahnks:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Cannibusstoker: I think there's a post here on the forum on fiming or topping. Roughly, after the fourth out cropping of branches you can top it by cutting off about 60% of the topical bud. If you do it as to their specs they claim you can get as many as four colas. Two are the most I've ever gotten. I think there's also an article on the subject as well in "HIGH TIMES." One of the two sources has good pictures as well. I hope that helps. HSA


You could also use a SCROG method to make it grow nice and even at the height you like. I'm looking into it for my AG Extra, also. I found a good article I will PM you the link.


Active Member
I did mine at about 3 1/2 weeks from seed. This is the pic of me pointing where I was going to cut (thanks to whovere it was that answered my post about this at the time), and then a pic after I topped. I noticed almost right away (next do or so) the 2 branchs sprouting.100_3533.jpg100_3536.jpgPics shortly after topping