I need Guidiance


Active Member
Ok here is what i have on my shoulders, i built a custom top of the line box that in theory will be one of the best Hydroponic-Eco systems, that could be introduced to the creative grower. (will post pictures in a few days)... But back to my problem i have 2 Plants i guess in Veg stage . because it is growing and one is slightly less then a foot high and the other is 5/6 inches both sprouted between jan,10/jan,12 . i have them on 18/6 light periods in soil (Only because im scared to lose my first 2 by switching to Hydro) i have a Simple box also that i have these in i consider my sprouting box using a simple heat lamp fom the garage, a grow light from walmart,and a cardboard box wrapped totally in a white plastic on the inside and a black on the out, with a fan pushing and pulling air at bout 73-83 degrees with 21-32% humidity.... Now i been reading on the web and tryed to put the system to gether til i figured out how to run my Custom box i will post in a few days . and i guess its done well i have plants i just want to know what i should expect since i got them planted jan10 til jan27 .. what should i try to do... i have plant food that diloutes in water i will post pictures tomorroe if any one who reads this would like to help me in both Soil growing and Hydroponic setup Also i would like some help to germinate i use wet paper towels and dark and light//soil with plastic wrap.... Also Cutting to double growth that i really want to know about