Low nitrogen calmag


Well-Known Member
I’ve been looking for a low nitrogen calmag and I’ve read old posts on here people recommending gh calimagic and that it’s not got nitrogen.

im in Europe and the gh brand seems to be all GHE and the calimagic is called GHE CALCIUM MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENT

here’s a pic.

it doesn’t tell me what it’s derived from but it looks like it has just as much magnesium as it does nitrogen.
Is this the same calimagic everyone recommends?



Well-Known Member
Cutting Edge solutions Plant Amp (calcium chloride, not calcium nitrate) and Epsom salts for the Mg.


Well-Known Member

Calimagic is one of the lowest N relative to the amount of cal/mag.
available in US? good find!!


Well-Known Member
Can you use that much chloride? I’d just buy it in powder if true?
that i don't know. i would imagine that is what they do and then sell it in ready to use form?? or if they add any stuff to chelate it for hydro use??