Obamacare is a great success


Well-Known Member
According to Trump and the trumpanzees, the ACA is a total disaster. While I admit that it has problems and requires tweeking, you can't deny that millions of americans now have medical insurance that didn't before. If Obama hadn't been elected and a republican were in office the last eight years - do you think we would have any type of healthcare available to us? They would never propose it or allow it to happen. The reason I say it's a great success is because it happened. From now on the republicans will have to keep affordable healthcare for all of us even though they don't want it - or risk losing elections in the future because they lost millions of votes.


Well-Known Member
According to Trump and the trumpanzees, the ACA is a total disaster. While I admit that it has problems and requires tweeking, you can't deny that millions of americans now have medical insurance that didn't before. If Obama hadn't been elected and a republican were in office the last eight years - do you think we would have any type of healthcare available to us? They would never propose it or allow it to happen. The reason I say it's a great success is because it happened. From now on the republicans will have to keep affordable healthcare for all of us even though they don't want it - or risk losing elections in the future because they lost millions of votes.
So those who already had insurance got their premiums jacked up so on paper another group of people who couldn't afford insurance and just got it free anyway can now say they have insurance even though it is still free and being bought and paid for by those who again already had affordable insurance.


Well-Known Member
So those who already had insurance got their premiums jacked up so on paper another group of people who couldn't afford insurance and just got it free anyway can now say they have insurance even though it is still free and being bought and paid for by those who again already had affordable insurance.
Citation needed. Millions got access to healthcare they didn't have before. Bankrupting everytime you have a medical issue isn't the same as having insurance.

Obamacare was ingenious. It put the foot in the door for Universal Healthcare when healthcare in America was deteriorating. Politically, the Republicans have no choice but to either keep the ACA or enact universal healthcare. If they cut instead of expand access, quality, and cost, it should be political suicide. But then again, Breitbart could convince those idiots that needless death is good and bankruptcy is great.
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Well-Known Member
So those who already had insurance got their premiums jacked up so on paper another group of people who couldn't afford insurance and just got it free anyway can now say they have insurance even though it is still free and being bought and paid for by those who again already had affordable insurance.
Premiums went up slower after Obamacare than ever before you bitter, three toothed, sister fucking, partisan hack DEA informant.


Well-Known Member
From a psychological standpoint, a person will feel happy when they win $1000.00. Comparatively you take away $1000.00 from that same person and their level of sadness and discomfort is far greater than the joy they felt for winning. This boils down to it is much harder to take something away from someone. If trump tries to take away healthcare from people that never had it before the ACA he is going to be in the middle of a shit storm like no other. People won't stand for it. Good luck being shady with this deal Darth Orange, you're going to need it.


Well-Known Member
Spandy is exactly right.....my insurance went from $9600 to $24k for my wife and I and I'm sure I'm paying for a bunch of you nim-nut free-loaders. The president is doing a wonderful job so far, don't you agree?


Well-Known Member
Spandy is exactly right.....my insurance went from $9600 to $24k for my wife and I and I'm sure I'm paying for a bunch of you nim-nut free-loaders. The president is doing a wonderful job so far, don't you agree?
And that couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Mine's $175 a month, $300 max annual deductable.

So, get a good union job with a profitable company instead of whining like it's all about you.


Well-Known Member
Spandy is exactly right.....my insurance went from $9600 to $24k for my wife and I and I'm sure I'm paying for a bunch of you nim-nut free-loaders. The president is doing a wonderful job so far, don't you agree?
You have always been paying for a bunch of nim-nut free-loaders. Don't you think the rates and hospital fees aren't inflated to pay for people who don't have insurance. Only private hospitals can turn them away and who do you think pays for it. I didn't claim that the ACA was perfect, in fact I said it wasn't. My point was that if the republicans had been in office we wouldn't have anything. And no I don't think he's doing a wonderful job, and according to todays polls neither does 53% of America. ( I know - polls are fixed ) Apparently not only citizens of this country but citizens around the world don't think so either. Can you ever remember people in other countries protesting our president. He's a joke.


Well-Known Member
premiums are growing slower after obamacare than at any other time in history.

go ahead though, repeal it.

we fucking dare ya.
with 400,000 less people enrolling this year, doesn't it seem like maybe its not working well for a lot of people?


Well-Known Member
with 400,000 less people enrolling this year, doesn't it seem like maybe its not working well for a lot of people?
Most people get health care coverage through work. As of March, 2016, 150 million recieved health care through their employer. 200 million recieved health care through Medicare and Medicaid. 9 million receive healthcare subsidies through the ACA, 23.6 million children receive health care through CHIP/Medicare. The last two groups will have coverage wiped out upon repeal of the ACA. 32.6 million people in all.

11 million people use the exchange to get coverage. In the past, they would have had to bargain by themselves against a massive corporate insurance company and they were charged huge sums if they could get coverage at all. Compared to all those numbers showing a marketplace of hundreds of millions of people, you cherry pick a statistic of 400k people that to you conveys the ACA is failing. Of course, you didn't find that statistic yourself. It is being hyped by the right wing propaganda machine. It's a meaningless statistic in the context of 400 million people who have health care coverage today. That little number has all sorts of reasons for existing but it has no bearing on the success of the ACA. You read it, your little rat brain got all excited and decided to demonstrate your ignorance by posting it here..


Well-Known Member
good point.

maybe the 15.8 million new jobs created by president barack obama explains the slightly lower, but still extremely significant, enrollment in obamacare.
Exactly. Enrollment through work goes up, many no longer need to enroll through the exchange. Not saying this explains the whole story. Just saying that 400,000 people not signing up through the exchange in a total market of 400,000,000 people is a teensy statistic and all sorts of unrelated causes can make that sort of swing in the market. (400,000 is 0.1% of the market). The ACA was never about using the exchange, it was about providing health care to people who couldn't access it before. 9 million people plus uncounted numbers who were previously denied due to pre-existing conditions. Also, growth in healthcare costs were contained and reduced. That's the success story of the ACA.

The higher premiums in the past two years are due to GOP congress not funding the ACA as originally spelled out in the legislation. Those people who voted against the ACA through their vote for Trump and GOP congress were lied to and then shagged.
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Well-Known Member
you cherry pick a statistic of 400k people that to you conveys the ACA is failing.
I posted the actual factual truthful non-fake news version of premium increase for 2017. Is that a cherry pick? it seems to be going up much higher than inflation. I am worried that it is getting too expensive for people!


Well-Known Member
While it did give many people access to healthcare and do some great things it was a rush job pushed through around and over Congress and it did exactly the opposite of its name. As usual government fucks up and one party tries to do something on their own and it doesn't work out like they thought it would. If these assholes could just work together and do something worthwhile in stead of just doing something for the sake of doing something we would all be better off.