Poppa's PF Tek Golden Teacher Grow Journal


Active Member
OK another update:

I'm considering what to do with the jar that only received 3 innoc points, its severely behind... I'm thinking I will probably toss it when I birth the other 5 cakes... And speaking of birthing! I have 1 cake that is 100% colonized and the other 4 are between 95-98% so I am looking at birthing and dunking probably sometime around next Mon-Tue.

Here are the pics:
View attachment 1852794View attachment 1852797

After the Roll and placement in the fruiting chamber how long are we talking before the first flush? usually a couple weeks right?
How far are you now buddy? I just got my first big pin :)
I would let it finish, it will just be an extra treat when it harvests.
I am going to be birthing and dunking 2 of my jars as well!
It can take from 10 days to show pins, to up to 30 days, pretty unpredictable.
On average it should pin in 10 days, though.


Well-Known Member
hey BH I'm at 99% colonization on my 5 good jars a couple have reached 100% I'm hoping to dunk on tuesday-friday somewhere in there...


Well-Known Member
ok todays update is mostly pics and some concern, I see A LOT of fluff (at least what I think is fluffy) and I also see some things popping up around the dry verm/substrate layer I have concerns over...

First Pic... A Group shot of the 5 colonized jars:

2011-10-30 09.13.44.jpg

This group of 3 pics shows the verm/substrate layer objects I mentioned above:

2011-10-30 09.13.55.jpg2011-10-30 09.14.41.jpg2011-10-30 09.15.56.jpg

These last pics are of the jar I haven't taken many of.... The one that only got 3 inoc points:
2011-10-30 09.16.16.jpg2011-10-30 09.16.26.jpg2011-10-30 09.16.36.jpg

Ok so let me know what ya'll think of my jars PLEASE... I curious to know if its cobweb mold (thats my fear for the fluffyness) and what you think the verm/sub objects are some type of contam? or possibly an invitro pin? Lastly the last jar looks cloudy on the bottom like its colonized the inside and is finally making its way to the outside so I guess I'll just sit on it and let it grow out, those pics also have a bit better look at the fluffy texture I am seeing in all my jars... Thanks again!


Active Member
There is nothing that looks like a contamination to me.
I can't really see anything fluffy, but that thing that is shown in the first picture of the jar, I have those too.
ST said that they are nothing, and are completely normal.
I found mine after I dunked the cakes, but I have no idea what exactly they are.


Well-Known Member
ok well I feel a bit better now, thanks BH!! I wasn't TOO worried about it but they just popped up in the last couple days since I didn't check em yesterday... I'm probably going to dunk in the next 2-3 days, pretty sure at the latest Thursday


Well-Known Member
Actually not related to the shrooms. I was just wondering what program you were using to modify your MP3 tags?
I use mediamonkey and really like it. you can do whole albums at a time. and it has a database search feature that is super handy. it takes a few min to get used to the menus and what you actually need to change. but it will also rename the file itself to match your tags.
Another program i have ised before but not in a long time was called Tagrunner, worked great on folders that werent organized, it could handle multiple bands/artists at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Actually not related to the shrooms. I was just wondering what program you were using to modify your MP3 tags?
I use mediamonkey and really like it. you can do whole albums at a time. and it has a database search feature that is super handy. it takes a few min to get used to the menus and what you actually need to change. but it will also rename the file itself to match your tags.
Another program i have ised before but not in a long time was called Tagrunner, worked great on folders that werent organized, it could handle multiple bands/artists at the same time.
I didn't like the media monkey interface I found a copy of "MP3Tag" and liked it so I bought it, I went through about 20000 songs, my biggest problem was fixing that stupid program TuneUp's mistakes!!! (you know that Bizmarkee commercial, SHIT SOFTWARE)


Well-Known Member
2011-10-31 15.19.52-1128363758.jpgok everything seems to be going well checked on them today and noticed something showing up on a couple jars it looks like this:


Well-Known Member
are they exposed to any light? looks like pinning. could be ready for the next step. hopefully an expert will weigh in.


Well-Known Member

Yes I'm being slow and lazy... I'm probably going to kill this huge pin by dunking it but I haven't bought perlite yet, which I'm going to do today and I'll get my fruiting chamber together tonight and transfer them to the FC late tonight.

Ok so I Birthed and Dunked the 5 what I think were good cakes here is my problem now... I'm still thinking I have cobweb mold... there was fluffy growth all over the 5 cakes... I'm going to check out them later on I'm not sure what else to do at this point... Would the myc still fully colonize the BFR cake with cobweb? do I just have fluffy myc? My cakes had started pinning...


Well-Known Member

Yes I'm being slow and lazy... I'm probably going to kill this huge pin by dunking it but I haven't bought perlite yet, which I'm going to do today and I'll get my fruiting chamber together tonight and transfer them to the FC late tonight.

Ok so I Birthed and Dunked the 5 what I think were good cakes here is my problem now... I'm still thinking I have cobweb mold... there was fluffy growth all over the 5 cakes... I'm going to check out them later on I'm not sure what else to do at this point... Would the myc still fully colonize the BFR cake with cobweb? do I just have fluffy myc? My cakes had started pinning...
You can tell if it's cobweb, it's a gray color. Some myc is very fluffy/foamy, I learned that with my rye jars.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Is that from Sporeworks? I've tried most of their strains and their GT is the best with their Equador coming in a close 2nd.

Plan on making any prints?