Redish purple Stem


Well-Known Member
My plant has red Stem but not the leave and it's doing fine... What does it means?


Well-Known Member
might be genetics or look at this thread in case its not
misleading diagnosis
i linked the thread too all the stickies. check my post.the one that links to the stickies on plant probs if your worried... but if the plants fine maybe it could be in its genetics who knows.. but certain deficiencies and environmental aspects do influence colour... mostly done for purple (colds the easiest way to influence purplr too)

sorry if this was useless but cant say ive had fully red stems yet. the fact that its the stem (are the leaves veins red but not the fowlidge) if so im leaning to maybe a genetic trate ya might even be able get the leaves red still but strongly urg you to have a good look at the thread. i think i may have seen a prob that comes close to what you described but not sure i did???? fuck it just check it out man it cant hurt none....

redish purple stems are due too genetics man i only seen the red stems in the post, redish purple stems are fine ehy. i personally would be happy :)