

Well-Known Member
if the temps will be 38 celsius in the couple of days, plants are in 25 littres of dirt should i watter every day? or every other day


Well-Known Member
if the temps will be 38 celsius in the couple of days, plants are in 25 littres of dirt should i watter every day? or every other day
Depends on size of plants. When I water, I feel the weight of the pot when saturated. Then I wait to water/feed again until the pot is significantly lighter.


Well-Known Member
if the temps will be 38 celsius in the couple of days, plants are in 25 littres of dirt should i watter every day? or every other day
(With Miyagi voice) the plant will tell you, when she feels light to pick up.

With my voice: Yeesus 38? those are going to cook.


Well-Known Member
If your in the ground you're good you could be giving that 5g+ a day easy with no rain in the forcast and good drainage . Almost the entire month of July up until a few days ago was raining here no problems


Well-Known Member
Im not saying you neccesarily should,im saying you have to work at overwatering good draining ground. Best to watch the plant,she'll tell you