
  1. MadChatter22

    Weed and wax make me dizzy

    So I’ve just started smoking again, it’s been about a year since I’ve smoked anything and before that it was 2010. I used to smoke a lot and nothing ever happened to me but nowadays I can smoke one hit off a blunt or one tiny little bit of wax and I get so dizzy I feel nauseous, my ears start to...
  2. B

    Blue Dream

    Anxiety, paranoia, and headache every time. Don’t understand the hype. Anyone else get this from BD?
  3. B

    Most euphoric/happy/giggly INDICA!!!

    OK guys so because of my panic attacks, anxiety and paranoia with most sativa and some hybrid strains, I now know I am definitely an Indica guy. What are the most euphoric/happy/giggly Indica strains that are consistent and never let you down? Thank you so much!!!!!
  4. B


    Most websites say that the terpene limonene is used for relaxation against anxiety and depression, but some websites say it is what gives you energy. I am starting to believe it is what causes my anxiety attacks that I get so often with most strains. I just tried Purple Kush today and it was...
  5. SmokingCrow

    Lots of choices: extract for oil/tincture

    Been lurking and learning. My wife has been smoking joints and the outcome of my non-scientific experiment has been positive; it temporarily reduced some severe conditions she endures on a daily basis that includes pain, seizures, and anxiety. It has also confirmed my theory cannabis would help...
  6. skreamau

    Antidepressants or Weed? Please help me.

    I'm Mexican. I'm 23 years old and I'm an artist in process. I've been through a lot of traumatizing events in my life like bullying all my mid school wanting me to end with my life and other stuff that happened on this last years. As I abused of MDMA and other "uppers" to lose weight I ended up...
  7. R

    What is Rick Simpson oil?

    Who's tried it? Does it work? Is it effective? If so where can I get it?
  8. greenthumbz420

    Good strain for stress / Anxiety?

    Anyone have any recommendations? So far google pointed me in the direction of a strain called laughing Buddha.
  9. H

    Need help! Best strain for bad anxiety??!!

    Hello all, Very new here! Not even sure if I'm posting in the right place lol. I'm gonna try to keep this as short as possible. So I have really bad anxiety and its dragging me down. It affects my daily life and Its so horrible that I would never wish this upon anyone. I have a shiiiiit ton of...
  10. D

    Please Help Me

    Smoked for the first time in my life 6 days ago. I had chest pains for a day then the next day I had an anxiety attack then I woke up with anxiety and have had it up to right at this moment (4 days after the anxiety attack) When will it go away?? Has this happened to anyone else?
  11. Cannacopia Delight

    Daily Medical Use Tolerance Build Up?

    I kicked meds from my life four years ago, and I have been trying everything under the sun to get rid of my addictive personality. I was on anti-depressants for over a decade trying to cope with the social anxiety in my life, I can physically hear nails on a chalk board in my brain if I am not...
  12. H

    Health Products in Cannabis Dispensaries

    Hey Guys, Hows it going? I work at a dispensary in Vancouver, Canada, and am really into Cannabis as well as Herbal medicine/Supplements. Since it is a medicinal dispensary and not recreational, I have been bugging my manager for a little while now to carry health products other than Cannabis...
  13. I

    Medicating to help anxiety

    Hey I'm doing a project for my data analysis class and I'm looking to see how many people here use marijuana to help their anxiety or have tried to help their anxiety with it but not work. both point of views are important to me.
  14. A

    Anxiety related to Cannabis - help?

    A few months ago I was beaten up badly on weed by some retard that I hung out with and ever since then I've had anxiety when I smoke weed and my body gets all tense and I get muscle cramps in my body (mostly in the parts of my body that are really untrained and weak) and I have a really hard...
  15. C

    Nova Scotia Newbie

    hi all - I am new to everything about this. Looking to learn about the potential for my anxiety/depression/insomnia. Looking forward to learning and connecting.
  16. mustbetribbin

    Use of Herbs that drive Cannabis further into your bloodstream (and a few that synergize).

    So I'm new to the forum, Hi All! So I have had some really good results mixing other herbs with Cannabis, and as gift to humanity I would like to allow others to know some of what I've discovered works for me, and has made my life easier to cope with, I had a hemmoragic stroke at age 21, long...
  17. C

    Personality and psychological negative effects of smoking

    Hey guys, I'm in the process of carrying out my psychological research for my third year of university. I'm trying to find out whether personality traits and personality in General have an effect on experience of smoking cannabis. It will only take you about 5-10 minutes . If you're interested...
  18. Cannacopia Delight

    Please Delete

    Repeat, please delete
  19. 420jwow

    Best indoor strain for treating Anxiety, Insomnia and Depression

    Hi guys, I'm a new grower with a small indoor setup and I suffer from really bad anxiety and insomnia. A few days ago I had a major panic attack during the night, so bad I thought I was having a heart attack! chest pain, neck pain, numbness... all that jazz. I had to ride it out all night and...