dosi do

  1. kingjackpot23

    HelppAre these what I think they are (nanners, Hermie)?

    So I'm going through my garden last night and I noticed something different that I've never saw before. This is my third round and I had a dosi doe seed from a oz I had bought from a shop. I'm about 3 weeks in. I separated it when I saw the first one about 4 days ago. The strange thing is a few...
  2. B

    week 6 of flower: half of plant is yellowing and developing hay smell? Help?

    I’m growing some dosido which is in week 6 off flower and I’m having half of the plant lose all of its leave and leaving me with just nugs but the trichomes are not ready. Any explanations?
  3. john wishmyer

    Dosido CLAWING

    everything on my baby was running amokthly up until i added a table spoon of phosphorus ( seabird guano) now all her newest grow is doing his awful curl. shes in fox farms ocean forrest waterings are always ph’d to 6.8ish may vary lower. shes only been watered with straight water no anything u...
  4. john wishmyer

    Dosi do Grow

    hey yall i have this dosi do that ive been growin for some time. i topped tied and did the works with this one. have noticed during her flower that shes not swelling as much as i thought the plant would be. anyone else grow this and or have some experience with it? shes in a 7 gal smart gallon...
  5. john wishmyer

    Calyxes slowly swelling, trichs clear

    hey yall i have this dosi do that ive been growin for some time. i topped tied and did the works with this one. have noticed during her flower that shes not swelling as much as i thought the plant would be. anyone else grow this and or have some experience with it? shes in a 7 gal smart gallon pot.
  6. john wishmyer

    dosido lst fun

    Sup yall, ive had this dosi do for a very long time, it sprouted around march 12th no problems throughout the grow up until early flower. Anyway, all that got sorted out and i managed to take a clone(in the pictures) this time around im just going to let it get nice n tall just to see if she’ll...
  7. john wishmyer

    P DEF???

    noticed the tips of my dosido running a little red on the tint. also noticing a small fade on my leaves and im wondering if shes got a P deficiency what do yall think??? medium: roots organic super soil mix. water always ph’d between 6.2 - 6.8 i usually water by weight or see a slight droop...
  8. john wishmyer

    DisiDo from seed sprouted march 11th

    7 gal super soil mix. seed sprouted march 11th watered with silica or liquid seaweed. topped and tied everyway i could opportunity, very short stalky bush. noticed bud sites developing the other day. hoping for a little more vegatative growth. not enough colas!
  9. john wishmyer

    DosiDos sprouted march18th

    hows she looking lads? had a couple hiccups but shes back on track.
  10. john wishmyer

    shes back on track

    had this lady sprout march 15th dosi do ffof+added amendmants+compost+castings water is usually set out to sit 5 days to evaporate all the garbage they put in it phd between 5.7-6.8 i water with either silica,maxi crop seaweed or molasses to feed the microbio in the soil. i personally feel like...
  11. john wishmyer

    No Sex shown sprouted march 11th tf?!

    i find it a little odd that this dosi do has been vegging for t 3 months and sex hasnt shown. im sure all of you find something odd about that. in foff organic mix aerated with volcanite usually only water with silica or sea weed extrct ph’d to 6.5, usually let the water sit a couple days...