early cut

  1. THC_Hazeman

    Should I harvest?

    Hey friends, I'm leaving my home in 2 days and my girl is not fully developed yet. I'll be back in 2 weeks. Should I just chop her down or wait until then? (If I wait I'm planing using 'automated' watering with the water bottle and the ropes method). I really don't have anyone to take care of...
  2. S

    topped to ealry??

    hey guys im a newbie at growing my dad is helping me every now and again but i was told to top the plants so they wouldn't get to big so i topped them at the 3rd node and they are about 2 weeks old, but ive done some reading online and ive seen alot of people saying to top when it gets to the...
  3. I

    Harvested to early?

    Hello, im new here. This is my first post, i have grown my first weed plant in my garden. My question is if i have harvested to early. I will include some pictures. Specs: - Honey cream ( fast flowering ) Not an autoflower. - Grown in normal bio soil. - Added some bio dehydrated cows...
  4. olaf687

    Any dispensaries left in Southern Oregon that sell from medical growers?

    Hi guys I'm really disgusted with the recreational dispensaries. Their stuff is cut way too early barely has any smell, sometimes over a year old, and just doesn't sedate you very good! Does anyone know of any dispensaries that source from small time medical farms rather than huge early cut...