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  • How’d you like that radiant green from DEM
    I have never used DEM's products...yet. I keep meaning to try Radiant Green and Brilliant Black but keep procrastinating. I typically make my own simple products and use those as teas.
    In reference to tissue cultures you posted:
    “I have a dozen reference papers that Carol just sent me. If anyone wants details on cannabis specific techniques sent me a DM and I'll get them zipped up and into a fileshare.”
    Can you send me the papers? Thank you
    Scott's miracle grow. Something that I stay away from. I've heard from some people that it created nothing but trouble for them.I stay as organi as possible and I bet that if my grows were analyzed that I would not have any doubts about that.I'm finding out that it takes a lot of t l c and some serious good dirt and the best nutrients available that are formulated for growing cannabis.
    No your dead dead wrong. Nutrients are nutrients. There is no Cannabis specific nutrient regardless of what nute companies want you to believe. Buy JR Peters Jacks....there is a threat around here. Cath up on soem plant science
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