AK Auto, should I trm?


Hello guys, these are two Auto AK growing under 250W HPS light, 0-24 cycle. As you can see they are very compact and even tho' we all kinda agree this is a good thing, still I ask myself should I trim some of fan leaves to expose those bud sites more?

It's 28 day from seed and tbh even tho' some people told me this looks nice - I hope they will grow taller.

Also I topped them around middle of week 3.




Well-Known Member
Hello guys, these are two Auto AK growing under 250W HPS light, 0-24 cycle. As you can see they are very compact and even tho' we all kinda agree this is a good thing, still I ask myself should I trim some of fan leaves to expose those bud sites more?

It's 28 day from seed and tbh even tho' some people told me this looks nice - I hope they will grow taller.

Also I topped them around middle of week 3.

Leave the leaves alone.


Well-Known Member
You only have a few leaves, why trim? That's in no way crowded. If your worried about it, your better off training to get better light distribution. Those leaves are what fuel your plants photosynthesis.

Best bet is to tie the top branches out horizontally and let the lower branches catch up height wise over the next few days. I wouldn't trim healthy fan leaves yet, probably ever.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys, these are two Auto AK growing under 250W HPS light, 0-24 cycle. As you can see they are very compact and even tho' we all kinda agree this is a good thing, still I ask myself should I trim some of fan leaves to expose those bud sites more?

It's 28 day from seed and tbh even tho' some people told me this looks nice - I hope they will grow taller.

Also I topped them around middle of week 3.

There's nothing there to trim. Like your mom told you when you were little, leave it alone it'll grow.