Does This Look Like Chemdawg?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I grew this variety from bag seed, so I have no idea about its genetics. However, I recently stumbled across a pic of a Chemdawg plant and it looked very similar. I also discovered that the source of the seed claims that Chemdawg is one of his favorite varieties, so there's at least a chance that it could be the real thing or a hybrid. Can someone who has grown Chemdawg please tell me if the cola and bud look approximately like what they've seen before. I realize there is no way to positively identify the strain from a couple of pictures, but any input would be appreciated.

The mature cola had very thick creamy-colored pistils that were so dense you couldn't see the green buds underneath. Now dried and cured, the pistils are a dark orange, and they almost completely cover the bud.



Well-Known Member
Yes, it very much does.

However, take some whole-plant pics and I'll compare to mine that I have in late flower.

When I get home after work and lights go on, I'll pull one of mine out of the tent and snap some pics and reply the thread.


FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
Thanks spek. This isn't the greatest pic because there are actually 3 plants, and it's pretty low res. The one in front is the supposed Chemdawg, and it's as large as the other two combined. The plant was very different from the others in growth habits. It was stocky with massive branching and seemingly infinite bud sites. It also yielded 6.6 oz (dried and cured) on my very first grow compared to 3.8 and 3.3 with the other two. I'd love to see your pics.

robert - LOL. As soon as the nation wakes up and legalizes it, I will gladly celebrate by sharing my spoils with you and everyone else on this forum.

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
no it looks more like a penis...
LOL! I didn't realize how phallic that bud looks. My bad

Here's another pic next to the other two unknown strains. The right one is the supposed Chemdawg (penis side down), the middle one might be a GrandDaddy Purp hybrid, and the left one is a complete mystery.

Sorry for the striped background. My phone camera didn't like being next to the fluorescent lighting.