Feminized Seeds + Dutchmaster Reverse = No More Herm?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if this made any sense to anyone.....since feminized seeds have the tendency to hermy due to stress, would it be very helpful is someone had Reverse to go along with their femmed seeds since they have that herm tendency already in them? I thought that it sounds like a no brainer but might actually help some in their future grows if they have experienced any hermy situation with their chicks. Plus rep for those who have an insight on this:peace:


Active Member
some people dont believe that the dm reverse works, but i have not used it so cannot give an opinion.

what fem seeds do u have as i only use regs ive been told its only certain ones that have a tendency to herm its due to them not stabalising them enough! i pref to use reg as that way you get guaranteed m and f then just use a f to clone then u will always have a genuine f!


bud bootlegger
i've heard good things about the dm reverse and it works pretty well for doing what it claims..
as for hermies and fem seeds, i've grown idk, atleast 10 different fems from as many different breeders, and i've never run into any hermie issues.. but i do try and stay away from some of the co's that are known to have hermie issues with their fem seeds like for instance greenhouse seed company.. i'd never grow a regular bean from ghsc, let alone a fem'ed.. but i think so long as you do your homework and stick with the more reputable breeders who have the fem thing down, you'll have no problems with fems going hermie on you..
i've used these breeders fems with good luck..
reserva prevada
dr greenthumbs
g13 labs believe it or not..
dutch passion
and a few others that i'm forgetting about.. but i feel comfortable saying if you used any of these breeders, and don't do anything that you wouldn't do to a regular seed, you shouldn't have any hermie issues with them at all..


Well-Known Member
some people dont believe that the dm reverse works, but i have not used it so cannot give an opinion.

what fem seeds do u have as i only use regs ive been told its only certain ones that have a tendency to herm its due to them not stabalising them enough! i pref to use reg as that way you get guaranteed m and f then just use a f to clone then u will always have a genuine f!
I have G13 pineapple express, GHSC Kings Kush, Dinafem Blue Widow, Barneys Violator Kush, and 2 unknown kushs from my first one. They are fimmed but have a tendency to herm out in unconditional environments.

i've heard good things about the dm reverse and it works pretty well for doing what it claims..
as for hermies and fem seeds, i've grown idk, atleast 10 different fems from as many different breeders, and i've never run into any hermie issues.. but i do try and stay away from some of the co's that are known to have hermie issues with their fem seeds like for instance greenhouse seed company.. i'd never grow a regular bean from ghsc, let alone a fem'ed.. but i think so long as you do your homework and stick with the more reputable breeders who have the fem thing down, you'll have no problems with fems going hermie on you..
i've used these breeders fems with good luck..
reserva prevada
dr greenthumbs
g13 labs believe it or not..
dutch passion
and a few others that i'm forgetting about.. but i feel comfortable saying if you used any of these breeders, and don't do anything that you wouldn't do to a regular seed, you shouldn't have any hermie issues with them at all..

out of all of those which do u feel in your opinion is the best that you have had so far. was thinking about getting some reserva headband fem seeds cause they look tastey and to me its like the best of both worlds with the og and diesel. and whats up with g13? why did u say believe it or not? do they have the tendency to herm? Thanks!