first time cloning


this is my first attemp at cloning and was basically wondering how i know if my clone has rooted. It is only a day old at the moment but dont know how long it takes for a clone to root naturally or how to tell when its rooted

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
It'll take 10-14 days to form decent roots. What did you place the clone in? If you use rock wool cubes, you can see when the roots emerge. Be patient and foliar feed. for at least 10 days. The clone should be in a propagator under a dome under a strong light source, preferably Flouros


im just using an organic seed compost using half a 2l bottle and cling wrap as a dome and putting it in the sun for a few hours and complete darkness is there any organic suppliments i can use to help promote root growth?


Well-Known Member
you don't wanna put it in the sun, to intense. I would get a flo to put them under. and you can but rooting solution or use a light dose of bloom food, promotes root growth. Also you wanna keep them under light for at least 18 hours (a day) but I found that 24 hours of light makes them root faster