Heat and humidity issues, micro cab


Well-Known Member
So this is my micro cab before the modifications...

I don't have a picture of it right now as it is store in the bedroom and the misses is asleep...

Here's the interesting stuff...

Soil- Roots Organic Greenfields, w/ some added perlite (not much though)

Lighting- 4-23 watt 2700k cfls. 12/12 schedule

The cab is on the floor in my closet. No exhaust, no intake. I have the front gorilla glued so that my entry is through the back, which was nailed to it but is now detachable via Velcro( this stuff is awesome btw). Umm... I have a big box fan(which sucks! We were gonna trash it after we upgraded but kept it because I hate throwing away shit. While my lights are , I have the box fan right up against the back,(with the backing off) blowing into the cab. This is not very effective. In addition to having to ghetto rig two towels draped over the box in a way the all the light doesn't shine through the closet door when it's on since my back is off and all the light is exposed.

My issue is that's temps are around 95-100 with the lights on, with a 25 average humidity. Now I do have two plants in there but only really for trial and error as I tweak the cab for better temps and what not...( all my plants are out back in the yard for now.

Help me!!! But don't bash me.... Please :( I have come along way to get this far. I just dropped about 100 bucks on nutes too.. I have a local HTGSupply store :) :):):)

I think I am gonna have to go pick up some computer fans. Fack. I need to get this to where the heat is not an issue though. Because right now , without my closet door shut, this is anything but stealth. I wanted this to be stealth in the open, and because of my conditions, it is hardly stealth even in my closet. I will have pics up of the box as it is now tomorrow morning. I have all together 8 seedlings at 3 nodes, all healthy. Think I am gonna wait till 6 nodes to top above node three, maybe node two... Not sure yet.

Oh yea, I added a bit of blood meal to the soil for the added N.

I feel like I am forgetting something, and now this has taken so long just to write out I need a smoke break......
Ok. Backkkk. Honestly.... I know what I need to do so to all the people that are about to tell me to work on getting a passive exhaust . Thank you. It is next on my shopping list. But I am very proud of all my handyman work thus far. I would love any kind of tips for the micro grow . And above all say what up so I can shoot the shit with some fellow green thumbs.

Did I mention I got cucumbers carrots tomatoes and melons growing for my first outdoor veggie garden :)




Well-Known Member
Its an uphill battle you have. You need to exhaust heat. And you need to up your humidity. that's it that's all.


Well-Known Member
Its an uphill battle you have. You need to exhaust heat. And you need to up your humidity. that's it that's all.
I think I am gonna go down to only two bulbs right now as the two plants I have in there are on the first set of leaves. This will help until I figure it out. I am thinking about changing my lighting to either the led bulbs at Home Depot , or the cfl tubes, that screw in(medium base) but I am iffy on both of those options...