how are you preparing now for next years outdoor grow?


Well-Known Member
me personally? i spend time on making compost and scouting. besides that theres not much more i can do. what does everyone else do? i will go to walmart and buy a couple bags of cheap top soil then i fill 2 or 3 five gallon buckets up halfway with top soil. then when ever i get get compost scraps i bury it in the buckets. i also make sure the soil stays moist and i put a walmart bag over the top of the bucket to keep heat and moisture in and compost is quicker to decay


I buy advance nutrients HEAVY HARVEST(only 2nd 2 jugs as I do indoor/outdoor so mine aren't outside in early part of season) Put them in holes(mixed with perlite/vermiculite/soil that I dug outta hole) than put chicken wire around each individual plot/hole(using piece of small scrap wood to steak chicken wire to ground and I only put 1 plant/hole every so many feet) Than bury 4liter water jug beside each plot/hole(which fills with rainwater an saturates ground slowly when grounds dry thru small tiny hole in cap of bottle underground) Check on them once a week(take different path each visit even if means walking extra 30mins hehe just bring few blunts for the day trip) HAPPY OUTDOOR GROWS EVERYONE:weed: PS I also DONT TAKE ANY CELL PHONES/ANYTHING WITH GPS CHIP INSIDE THEM HEHE DONT HELP THE FUZZ DO THERE JOB HEHE LIKE ITS JUST HARMLESS HERBS!! FUK THE GOVERMENT LOL THEY ALL SMOKE IT TOO :fire:


Well-Known Member
yeah i was going to try the two liter bottle with holes in it to water last year to cut down on walking through the woods but it rained so much i didnt have to worry about it.