is it possible to transfer a plant from the ground into a pot?


so this year was my first grow and my plants were doing quite well indoors before i transplanted them outdoors. i chose two spots to put my two plants. the first spot that i originally chose now has a problem, IT DOES'NT GET ENOUGH SUNLIGHT. so basically my plant is there now and has just begun to flower, but the flowers are so small i don't think ill even be able to harvest. the other spot i chose gets WAY more sunlight, but unfortunatly the plant there, ended up being a male. AND WHAT A MALE. by this i mean that he has alreaddy developed all his pollen sack and is healthy could be. so my question is, could i possibly transfer a plant from the ground into a pot to where the male plant is? (i would get rid of the mail obviously). another idea would be to just pollinate the female and just harvest a bunch of seeds. tell me what you think. thx

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
yes its possible but not recomended if its already flowering it may reduce yield further. collecting pollen and polinating lower branches sounds like a good idea these plants beef up realy late so be patient it may not be as bad as you think and i would think males would grow and mature faster because they have to release pollen and then the female has to make seeds so i would think all males would mature faster.


Well-Known Member
It is possible, and is one of the plans of action I had when the growing season was over. I will take 20 plants out, choosing the best females, and take them from the ground to a 5 gallon pot (this is AFTER harvest, all I have is a barely alive stalk) with luck, patience, and a whole lotta love, I will be able to revert my mothers to 18/6, and hopefully keep them, the only reason it works like this for me, is that I am keeping live roots and a live stalk, not worried about yield or anything, just trying to keep it alive. Transplanting now like you want to do is an option, but any extra root damage, you could be screwing your yield, and it will take some time for your plant to heal itself.. Could you possibly tie back/cut tree branches to open more sky?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This year i transplanted from the ground to a pot back into the ground same plant! Why? Becouse i was bored thats why!!!!