new grower 2nd grow


Well-Known Member
cannabis is a c3 plant, meaning that they convert c02 into amino acids and produce energy only during light hours.

when lights are out, the roots are expanding, and the plant is stretching vertically to look for light. there is no real structural growth, besides underground.

i wouldnt say something if i didnt know it. if you dont want to listen to me, dont. put your pants on 24/0 i dont really give a fuck.
can u seriously get the hell out of my thread i want answers not blarney.what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Well-Known Member
so my frst grow was slightly unssuccessful. onyl got 21 grams dry from 2 blueberry plants and 8 oz of canna butter.

i used a 400 w metalhalide throughout the grow was fed no veg nutrients onyl bat guano from the beginning 1 tbsp about 5 times throughout the grow wityh an npk of 0-5-0. it started out on cfls till week 4 of veg and then 4 weeks more of veg under a metalhalide. then flowered for 2 months under metalhalide and clipped off all dead dieing leaves. harvested when all the hairs were mostly red for a wet weight of 70 grams, didnt have a ph meter or ppm meter up until week 6 of flowering and found out the plant had been recieving 8.6 ph water and 380 ppm throughout the grow. when i cut it down i left 4 nodes worth of length on each plant to reveg and put it under 24 hr light and phed the water to 5.0 and bought a zero water pitcher for a ppm of 001 and added 1 cap of 5-1-1 fish fertilizer aerated in a 4 quart container for 2 hjours. i eventually want to grow it out to make clones and keep taking clones till i have enough for 8 pots 1.5 liters each and grow them under 12/12.

i have a few questions:
1 is 24 hr lightiing best for revegging or is 20/4 18/6 16/8 better?

2 for vegetative growth in general what effect does no dark period at all have and what effect does an 87654 etc hour dark period have ?

3 iv heard u can add super thrive only twice and before flowering. is this true? iv also heard u can add 1 drop to every watering

4 is 1.5 liter pots enough to provide 18 inches of vertical growth?

5 has anyone used neptune seaweed ferts?

6 is measuring the runn off an accurate way to measure soil ph? is 5.8-6.8 a good range for soil to have? how much runn off should i use to test the ph with?

7 uvb reptile glow 10.0 cfls 26 watts. anybody use them? know about them ie light output effective range personal experience?

8 heavy perlite mixes ie 100 % perlite 50% perlite 33 % perlite with the remainder being soil anybody have experiences and can tell em the advantages disadvantages over the usual 10-20% perlite to soli ratio?

9 molasses? cna it be used every watering cycle and how much do u use? what are the advantages disadvantages?

10 hydrogen peroxide? iv heard numerous growers ie ed rosenthal mel thomas greg green say it can be used with every watering i have a friend who says you will be able to taste it in your final harvest if you use it? what effects does h2o2 have on the plant can it uptake the taste and what are the disadvantages / advantages of using it?

11 48-36 hr dark period before harvest anybody do it? what does it do?

12 defoliating advantages disadvantages?

13apple cider vinegar and baking soda for ph up and down. any experiences. i knwo vinegar brings fungus gnats but i inverted a 2 liter bottle upper half and put it inside the lower half filled with vinegar and it killed 4 gnats by last nighbt at 1 am so 4 gnats in 1 day. i do the same by my beer keg and get 30-40 in the 1st week and after that no fungus gnats return as the eggs hatched and flew to the trap leaving no offspring. if i do this can vinegar still eb used?

14 clones where to cut and how many nodes should each have? do you ph the water in the rock wool to 5.0 and let it soak for a couple hours before? do you spray first let the clones dry when there in the rock wool and then water or keep them wet 24/7? do u do the split down the middle of the stem 1/2 inch or leave the stem intact before planting?

15 mh through flower? what effects on yield and any advantages disadvantages?

16 light interruptions during dark period ie friend using led flashlights to look at hairs and crystals? what effect on yield and potency and any other effects it might have?

thank you for any and all help i know iv been rambling but thsi is all the questions i have right now
1. personally I like 24/0 for seeds,vegging,and clones. Some say the extra 4-6 hours are energy consuming. Just try each and see what you like best.
2. Some say the plant grows extra during the night, but I feel they don't need a rest period during veg. since they can constantly convert light to energy they don't need a night cycle during vegg.
3.I will never use superthrive again, the only time I used it my plants died. Could have been from a different noob mistake, but I'm not finding out.
4. It would be a tight fit for the roots.
5. I have not
6. It is accurate once you figure out how to do it properly, but I'm dwc/bubble so not sure.
7.Have used normal CFL not sure about that particular brand. Try to keep them within a foot of plant.
8.I use only 100% perlite. Roots love it, grow right through it and can absorb the water quickly. Fast run off, so the perlite doesn't hold water for too long. If growing in a pot like soil, you will need to water more often.
9. Use molasses near end of flower cycle. Not sure if soil you can use throughout grow with no consequences.
10.Hydrogen peroxide-use to clean my res before a grow. Not sure about using it every water or if taste is absorbed.
11. The extra night period theoretically gives a trich boost or a final bud growth before "dying." I've done it, think it helps move excess water from plant to roots before harvest.
12. advantages-better circulation, less likely for bud mold, can help top growth if done correctly and better light penetration.
disadvantages- Loss of stored food, too much defoliating will stunt or stress the plant, doesn't occur naturally in nature.
13. Use only as a last resort. Buy proper ph up and down.
14. at least 2 or 3 nodes, split up the middle about an inch and also shave the outer skin of the stalk.
Trim the leaves to help water transpiration as well as halting veg growth to promote root growth. Keep humidity as high as possible. at least 50-60% and around 80F
15. MH can flower, but will lower yield and fluffy buds. The HPS red spectrum helps compact growth and denser buds.
16. Slight light interruptions won't harm the plant as long as the light isn't intense enough to trigger photosynthesis. Outdoors the moon shines on the plant at night.
Try to keep the dark dark but if you have to look be as quick and dark as possible, and don't do it multiple days in a row.

Hope this helps a little.