new growth curling and warping


hey guys my outdoor big bang, is currently growing in a grow tent i have recently rid my tent of bugs that were eating the plant but now they are away i have a ne problem. The new leaves are curled up at the tips and warping slightly but still a healthy green colour, i dont have a camera or computer to upload on coz i use mobile internet, the plant is nice and sturdy, im taking the tent off for 2hours everyday, to let the breeze strengthen the stem and branches i have noticed some of the smaller, leaves forming on the branches are very weak and almost dying, i have reverted back to plain water no nutes, and need a diagnosis of this problem

Mr Bomb

Active Member
hey guys my outdoor big bang, is currently growing in a grow tent i have recently rid my tent of bugs that were eating the plant but now they are away i have a ne problem. The new leaves are curled up at the tips and warping slightly but still a healthy green colour, i dont have a camera or computer to upload on coz i use mobile internet, the plant is nice and sturdy, im taking the tent off for 2hours everyday, to let the breeze strengthen the stem and branches i have noticed some of the smaller, leaves forming on the branches are very weak and almost dying, i have reverted back to plain water no nutes, and need a diagnosis of this problem
It sounds like heat stress to me. If the weather is warm enough then ditch the tent for good.


Active Member
My plants also started to curl up and twist when it got hot outside. I just made a makeshift canopy to put over them while thier in direct sunlight and this stopped the problem.


well due to the circumstances i need the grow tent in order to cover for flowering as my location is on private grounds but unfortunately there is no position out of street lights so need a frame in order to cover with a black sheet