Planning A huge Outdoor Grow For 09


Active Member
Hey I live In British Columbia Pretty close to the border and Im Getting Ready for the next season and was hoping if some people on this site good me some good tips For When i should Plant ANd what kind of Nutes to use I was hoping to lay down around 40 plants Also how much do u think 40 plants could Produce Roughly.... Thanks :weed::weed::joint:


Active Member
Well A friend of mine is a long time breeder and grower...So Hes setting me up with 200 White rino Seeds BUt there not feminized for about 100$ Im pretty sure i can get 40 females out of that but what do u guys think?


Active Member
hope this thread gets bigger im getting ready for my 09 grow in B.C
im going for around 40 plants or more:weed: :joint:


Well-Known Member
There are so many variables when it comes to outdoor grow. What strain? In pots? If so what size? Best off to make a huge bed of rich organic soil and turn all the soil using bat guano, mushroom manure and organic pro mix and add a bit a vermiculite. Giving your roots endless space to grow is a great thing if you are secure with your location. Successful outdoor grows are all about location. And I would suggest to get large plastic containers to catch the rain, and set them up with drippers and misters for the days that you just can't make it to your spot.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why some plants cant top more than a pound or more! i think ill do the same kind of thread in the spring only more hawaiian :P white rhinos dont usualy grow as big as most typical outdoor strains but good shit i hear. good luck bro


Active Member
Well i found a Huge Clearing in a nearby forest And surrounding that area is a bunch of prickely Bushes( I dont know the name lol...) Do u think that would ward off any animals and if not What could i use to do so? since Animals are my only worrie haha thanks guys

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Skunky has wrote the Bible, thus far. What He said is perfectly true. Spreading Blood Meal does well to keep out a lot of wild animals, and it's good for your soil. Do the math, if your strain says 250 grams per plant, or 700 grams, that is what you should expect. If you buy the best "Living" organic potting soil, that will do well in sprouting the seeds in. The key is the temp. & moisture level. You'll want to soak your seeds for 24 hours in good clean water that is a constant 70 degrees. In a large tray, fill with good potting soil, wet it with 80 degree or hotter water(the cool soil will absorb a lot of the excess heat), then sprinkle the seeds every 2 ", and then sprinkle dry & very fine potting soil evenly over the seeds, about 3'8th's inch(once wet, it will compress, rule of thumb, whatever the size the seed is, that's how deep it should be planted). Then, with a mister, water spray the top soil with 70 degree water, and keep the soil & air temp at 70 degrees. Thus, heating pads. If the temp is correct, and the rooting system isn't crowded, you should get a 60 to 40% Female to Male ratio, at least. The rockwool does well also, unless you plant them upside down. Liquid Seaweed is a good root stimulator, a little (1/2 TBS per Gal.) wouldn't hurt. Point, you should get at least 100 females, period. Good luck. BTY, spray mist every day, or more. Seeds sprout during the Spring rains, if they get dry, they will not germ, or become males.

There are so many variables when it comes to outdoor grow. What strain? In pots? If so what size? Best off to make a huge bed of rich organic soil and turn all the soil using bat guano, mushroom manure and organic pro mix and add a bit a vermiculite. Giving your roots endless space to grow is a great thing if you are secure with your location. Successful outdoor grows are all about location. And I would suggest to get large plastic containers to catch the rain, and set them up with drippers and misters for the days that you just can't make it to your spot.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Skunky has wrote the Bible, thus far. What He said is perfectly true. Spreading Blood Meal does well to keep out a lot of wild animals, and it's good for your soil. Do the math, if your strain says 250 grams per plant, or 700 grams, that is what you should expect. If you buy the best "Living" organic potting soil, that will do well in sprouting the seeds in. The key is the temp. & moisture level. You'll want to soak your seeds for 24 hours in good clean water that is a constant 70 degrees. In a large tray, fill with good potting soil, wet it with 80 degree or hotter water(the cool soil will absorb a lot of the excess heat), then sprinkle the seeds every 2 ", and then sprinkle dry & very fine potting soil evenly over the seeds, about 3'8th's inch(once wet, it will compress, rule of thumb, whatever the size the seed is, that's how deep it should be planted). Then, with a mister, water spray the top soil with 70 degree water, and keep the soil & air temp at 70 degrees. Thus, heating pads. If the temp is correct, and the rooting system isn't crowded, you should get a 60 to 40% Female to Male ratio, at least. The rockwool does well also, unless you plant them upside down. Liquid Seaweed is a good root stimulator, a little (1/2 TBS per Gal.) wouldn't hurt. Point, you should get at least 100 females, period. Good luck. BTY, spray mist every day, or more. Seeds sprout during the Spring rains, if they get dry, they will not germ, or become males.
I can tell you from years of growing that blood meal will attract unwanted pests.I have lost a whole grow due to all of my plants being dug up.Same with fish emulsion and fish meal.Starting seeds and trying to transplant that many plants is going to be a big job.It is best to get a soil sample and do a ph test first to see if the pot will even grow in the place you plan on growing.My state agriculture center does this for free.They will tell you what the soil needs if anything.Tell them it is for your veggi garden.
I used to go out two or three weeks before the last frost and stick my seeds in the ground.This has worked for me for over 25 years.OPH

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I haven't used blood meal, it's what the gardeners say. The dam Armadillo's knock over & root around for the fish emulsion, etc. Any damp soil in a drought.
Them one to 10 day Baby plants has given me the blues, one mouse or caterpillar comes along & cuts them down, one or 2. That pisses my off. So I started waiting until they are bigger, which is a lot of work. Maybe some DE around the baby-bed??

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
back in the day i lived in rio hondo and raised coco pamosa palm trees before the squirrels moved in they would cut off the seedlings i had potted in i gal containers. just for the fun of it stopped growing they made it more stressful than enjoyable

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
even with the soil i have here in the coastal bend mostly gray clay my plants took off once they got there feet into the ground i would amend the soil just by going twice the size of the ball and mixing the potting soil with the dirt removed from the hole my girls just explode with groth!!!