Protect your Constitutional Rights! Read This! Possible legalization


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you may be aware that the Govt is out of control and no longer listening to the people. They have become a corrupt business organization who requires us to sign our rights away in the interest of priviledges like driving, taxes, tolls, licensing, etc.

Our 2nd ammendment rights to bear arms are illegally restricted if convicted of a non-violent felony you aren't allowed to have guns by the present Govt but you have the right under the Constitution.

I just read the thread about a guy getting 35 yrs for 4.6 oz of pot in a school zone which was really just a daycare center, so things have gotten out of hand. It is illegal for the govt to keep pot illegal because it is a victimless crime which by constitution standards it isn't a crime at all and is a choice that EVERY American should be able to make on our own. Tabacco has no purpose but to cause addiction, cancers and sickness and kills more people than anything else each year...followed by alcohol who is so extremely mind altering and invokes violence, yet pot is harmless, makes people happy and makes people eat stuff, yet no permanent side effects. It is your right to chose what you do, the Govt is only there to make sure no one oppresses anyone else...not just make up rules to try to trap people in fines and convictions. We will be sending demands to ALL 50 state's Governors and they will comply or else...but we have to wait and see what their response is. It will be sent in as soon as the required signatures are obtained, I think they need 2-3 more signatures to have what they need.

We have some high ranking military officials on board we wont be facing much for military opposition.

The Restore America Plan​
of the De jure Grand Juries
of the People of the united States of America
assembled under God
standing as
Guardians of the Free Republics​
Restore America Plan is a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de
jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war. After consultation with high ranking members of
the United States armed forces, the Plan is in the process of assembling the Guardians of the Free Republics and
reinhabiting the De jure Grand Juries to:

* Restore and reinhabit the de jure institutions of lawful government.

* Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States
Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America.

* Terminate all presumed powers of attorney to such corporations.

* End the foreclosure nightmare (for borrowing against one’s own credit).

* End tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels such as I.R.S. (former
Puerto Rico Bureau of Taxation).

* End street assaults against the sovereign People for failing to exhibit a State-issued confession of subject-class

* End all prosecutions which lack an injured party.

* End admiralty prosecutions for kidnapping and other heinous crimes against mankind as “commercial crimes” against the
corporate State under a contrived corporate color-of-law venue (corp. ref. 27 C.F.R. 72.11).

* Terminate the intrusion of corporations posing as the state into every aspect of the People’s lives.

* End the use of covert contracts such as Form 1040, car registrations, birth certificate applications, and bank signature
cards which confess the signer to be a legal fiction subject of the United States Federal Corporation (“U.S. person”)
that has waved his/her rights in favor of state-issued privileges.

* End the use of deeds which classify the People as “tenants” on their own land, thereby transferring control to incorporated
County registrars and tax assessors.

* End the perversion of marriage into a commercial system of state-issued privileges through the so-called “marriage
license” whereby incorporated “courts” presume the “right” to trespass on families and kidnap children.

* End the hijacking of automobile ownership through DMV registrations which covertly exchange the divine rights of travel
and ownership for the state-issued “privileges” of “driving” and “title.”

* In place of all of the above, substitute sovereign identification, diplomatic immunity and sovereign passports to facilitate
safe passage throughout the world free from corporate State molestation and terror.

* Restore the People’s money and wealth from the banking institutions, war profiteers, and international loan sharks.

* Instantly vest all mortgages, auto loans and personal business loans “issued” by members of the Fed. The state shall hold​
no paper on, or debts against, the sovereign People, directly or through its agencies and licensed banking institutions.

* Instantly end all non-consensual and unlawful taxation including all taxes on the sacred rights of labor and privacy.

* Empower and inspire the sovereign People to righteousness through such renewed abundance.

* Issue orders to the military and police powers to enforce the Peoples’ divine rights of birth.

* Reabsorb all de facto actors into lawful de jure capacity.

* End the perverse act of requiring the People to pray to “courts” as is now required under corporate rules and traditions.

* Restore the de jure judicial institutions including the district court of the United States and the one supreme Court.

* Quietly mirror the strategies of 1933 thereby using their (our) institutions, military and public officials to undo eighty
years of subterfuge without provoking alarm, controversy or armed conflict.

* Return the military and law enforcement institutions to proper and lawful de jure sovereign authority from the clutches of
corporate actors.

* Forgive all corporate actors who repent for their State-sponsored crimes against mankind. Remove the recidivists from

* Do all of the above, and more, peacefully, discreetly, quietly and honorably, behind the scenes, without public proclamations
or provocative actions against a general public that is mostly unaware of the hijacking of their free de jure American
republics, and their hapless media.
Guardians of the Free Republics​
Tim Turner
Tom Schaults
Regan Dwayne
Sam Kennedy
Guardian Elders

You can go here and sign up but you should Google your state's militia and join them too. You don't have to be a fighter but every person counts. Don't sit back and wait til it is too late. we will NEVER have another chance to fix things like the present again, so don't let this opportunity pass! If this works Pot will be legal nationwide instantly.


Well-Known Member
The time is now, don't wait til it is too should have never gotten this far...especially since the official reason pot is banned is cuz "negros smoke it and rape white girls", aren't we past that now? Or are we still that ignorant?