Weed went through laundry


Active Member
As soon as i woke up this morning i decided to do my laundry since i havent in about a week, so i put everything in the wash including the pants i was wearing last night which had about an 8th of nug in the back pocket. Needless to say the bud went through the wash and is now all wet and i assume not smokeable...i was just wondering if i could possibly water cure it or something and use it to bake brownies or something edible and still get something out of the 8th...if anyone knows or has experience from this happenin to them please let me know cuz this really pisses me off lol


Well-Known Member
you could throw that in browines if you want. You could also try to dry it and smoke it, be sure there is no moisture..
Water doesn't hurt THC. put it that way. The thing that would hurt you is the mold that may grow on it..


Well-Known Member
bro that is a bit iffy I would say that it is ruined. U never know try smoking a little nug and see what happens


Well-Known Member
unless you like smoking soap, chuck it. seriously.

lemme tell you a story from when i was a wee tot. i broke a cigarette ... being 13 or 14 it was pretty much the end of the world, as it was my last one. alas, i had a great idea! mickey mouse it with scotch tape. brilliant! until, of course, i smoked the tape, puked on the front walk, and nearly passed out on the lawn.

be careful what you smoke, boys and girls.


Active Member
i did smoke a little bit and it still gave me a buzz just tasted nasty...and prolly not healthy either...im not into putting foreign chemicals in my body like laundry detergent lol


Well-Known Member
ya man if you don't like smoking soap, chuck it, yes water doesn't hurt thc since its not soluble but all the friction from the laundry machine scrubbing your clothes also scrubbed and broke off all/most of the thc stuck to the bud. That really sucks that happened, especially an 8th, ouch. It happened to me once or twice but always under 2gs. plus do you know how dirty laundry water is? your jeans your underwear your socks and whoever elses clothes your washing all the ball and ass sweat and dirt mix together... think about it, why are you washing your clothes? because its dirty. yea sure there is rinse but its the first initial wash that the bud will absorb all the soapy dirty water and unless its been wringed out before the rinse the bud will not absorb any more water once its been totally soaked. i don't know if you get me or not.


Active Member
Im thinking about just using it to make cannabutter for brownies on 4/20, if i use the method with boiling water then all of the toxic shit will dissolve into the water and the cannabanoids and thc will be absorbed into the butter. You guys think this is a good idea or am i just wasting my time? lol


Well-Known Member
Its finished bro, let it be man. not worth the hassle. I don't know if you read my thread or not geisty but I said that most or all of the thc has been rubbed off man.


Well-Known Member
hell just throw it in clean water to get the soap out then dry it. waste not want not or should that be wasted and not wanting lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, it's damaged and lost some trichs, but not ruined by a long shot! Just let it soak in clean water for a day or so and then change the water and resoak. Keep changing the water until it looks clean and you don't get any soapy film on top and then change it a couple more times after for good measure. Oh and keep it totally submerged so no mold grows on the part exposed to air (so use a metal mesh or thin cloth rag to hold the buds down.) Basically do a water cure. After that I think it'll be safe to smoke or ingest anyway you want (though it might be a weak smoke after the agitation in the washer).

I mean yeah it's a little hassle - I don't know about you but at least for me it's way more of a hassle to try and track down my shitty connection and shell out for another 8th!