autoflower beginner

  1. rymander

    Tips on Dehydrated Plant - help saving!!

    hey ya'll - hoping for some advice - due to circumstance, I was away from my house for 3 days and my fam wasn't able to get into my place to water my girls - of course they're in f****** coco also lol - needless to say - they re super super wilted and 2 of three of them have papery leaves - i...
  2. F

    Rusty brown spots spreading..

    Hi guys, have done a fair amount of research, but can’t seem to figure out what’s going on. Got two plants that are showing some rusty spots, that spread / get worse over time. Eventually the leaf curls up and becomes very brittle. I feed only FF big bloom, and water every two days or so. I...
  3. Mantis_ Toboggan3219

    I messed up bad please help autoflower

    So I fucked these up really bad. These are only 56 days from seed. Should I chop them now??
  4. D

    Autoflower newbie

    New to growing autoflowers. Growing in 5 gallon pots. 3 pots with a mix of cheap soil and perolite and peatmoss. And 2 pots have miracle grow potting mix and 1 pot ffof. First 5 weeks I’ve been using nothing but dechlorinated tap water with ph between 6.3-6.7 and just letting it run off to about...
  5. Mantis_ Toboggan3219

    Auto flower help

    When do you guys think I should turn my dimmer up to 100%? The website suggest 100% when the plants start flowering. Mars hydro Fc-E6500. They are about 23 days out of the ground
  6. Kaksyks

    Quick one autoflower twisting and drooping leaves

    Hi, i have problem with my quick one soil grow, Plant started flowering 12 days ago, Leaves are drooping and few have holes/cracks pretty sure not bugs also some leave stems are purpleish. New growth has twisting in the tips. I cant rember when it started maybe few weeks ago, any help, sorru...
  7. 4

    Producing seeds from one Feminized Autoflower

    I'm going to plant a feminized autoflower seed bought from dutch-passion and I would like to get seeds out of it. My goal is to produce pollen from one branch and to pollinate the other branches' flowers with it to produce seeds As I've understood, I either need to spray STS, Colloidal Silver...
  8. S

    First time defoliating Autoflower (3rd grow) need advice pls

    Hey guys im growing an Auto amnesia currently starting week 8 from tomorrow. I decided to scrog after LSTing initially. How am I doing? Im a bit worried that my plant is too bushy and that i might be risking PM or mould if i dont defoliate. RH has been a steady ~50% give or take 10% up or down...
  9. T

    Northern lights auto brown spots and yellow leaves

    I don’t know what I’m having but I have brown spots on my leaves and yellowing of the top of my leaves can anyone help me please
  10. J

    First Indoor Auto Grow,Need lots of Advice

    Hello, I have so many questions I have A 5x5 Gorilla Grow Tent With 2’ Extension For Lights I have many and I know I can’t use them all. Looking for combination suggestion. I have both a 1000 hps (Phantom II)and 400 hps (Solis Tek) I also have the following LED also California light...
  11. M

    When should i harvest autoflower, New grower,

    Long story short i purchased some feminized seeds and 1 turned out to be an autoflower. My plants are outdoor and its started flowering at start of summer and wouldnt stop. Its been flowering about 6-7 weeks i believe. When should i harvest. Also it is foxtailing alot, we have had mostly...
  12. Fearlus

    Yellow leaves

    I am a beginner to indoor growing and could use any help or feedback. As of now, I am having trouble with 3 of my Critical Purple Autos. They are starting to turn yellow and I don’t know why. I’m beginning to believe it could be nutrient deficiency? If so, what kind of nutrients should I get and...
  13. LiLiotl

    Is my weed ready to harvest

    Ive been watching a lot of videos but i just want to make sure Shes an autoflower american pie
  14. D

    Harvesting low ryder autoflower

    Hello all! I have been growing low ryder autos since March 10. They don't seem ready to harvest yet from all I've read. Could it be because I started them indoors and then they were moved outside? I have been gardening my whole life and know this can stress plants and cause slower growth. I'm...
  15. peshoegei123

    Is my plant too stretched out 5week old

    Hey guys quick update and a question, is she too stretched out or is it okay .Cause I think there's too much space between each set of leaves and because I use a windows she got stretched. She is 5weeks old northern lights auto-flower and 35cm long with 10cm between each set of leaves .Also the...
  16. Lueberry

    Which autoflower are you growing at the moment and why?

    Doing my first autoflower/first ever grow! Was given gorilla glue auto seed from a friend and very impressed by how resilient it is
  17. JCMT98

    First Ever Grow - Power Plant Auto By Dutch Passion

    Hey guys, New here and this is my first post so please take it easy on me :p Seed - Auto Power Plant freebie from Dutch Passion. Soil - Miracle Grow Slow Release (I removed as many of the slow release pellets manually when potting) This is all that was available at the time. I've heard many...
  18. Miacchi

    So it begins!!

    My absolute beginnings with growing :weed: I'm on day 10 with my seedling RQC Bubble Kush auto Grow medium - coco coir/ perlite Lights Mars Hydro LED 600w Tent 2x2x4ft w/ inline fan, carbon filter Manual watering RH 65-70% Temp 22-24.5C Light cycle 20/4 It's looking healthy so far, showing...
  19. P

    Add Grotek Monster Bloom yet?

    Can you please tell me whether I should use my Grotek Monster Bloom on this auto flower yet? I’m watering one day and using fish mix and bio grow the other day. I know Grotek is strong so I don’t want to kill my plant. Should I stick to my usual 1.5ml per litre fish and grow for now? Thanks so...