
  1. Y

    Is this 6x6 set up efficient for 6-8 plants

    Hi I’m new to growing as I’m preparing to start my first grow , I’m a go big or go home kind of guy but I also don’t have thousands of dollars to spend. I’ve been doing lots of research reading books and watching YouTube videos all on the most efficient ways to grow good quality but also high...
  2. Tropichigh

    Please help find what’s wrong

    I believe that I may have had the light too close as the leaves are curling up, but what’s the weird colouring going on here?? Some nutrient deficiency??
  3. T


    I am a noob starting my first ever indoor hydroponic tent grow but have had real difficulty getting my ladies past seedling stage before they suffer from damping off or root rot. I am using rockwool starter cubes and intend to transfer them to larger cubes and then use a recycled drip system...
  4. lamptree

    Brown almost mosaic looking patches on leaves

    Hey guys, Just wanted to make a post asking for help with some brown patches I’ve been noticing on one of my plants. They developed a little less than a week ago and have quickly spread to a number of other leaves on my plant. I’ve been trying to diagnose the issue, but I’m unable to find...
  5. BadnBouji42

    Fan Leaves Yellowing, One Cola Looks Burned, Week 7 of Flower

    I'm wondering if this is from nutrient burn? The ppm was increased slightly from 550 to 650 (baseline of well water is 200 ppm). I wouldn't think that wouldve had such a big effect. They have been happy around 500-550 ppm (currently at 500 ppm)...See photos below:
  6. trueweedsmoker

    Need relationship advice. Dealing with a mean controlling woman

    I have a girlfriend that I have been fooling around with on and off since the age of 15. We finally reconnected 8 years ago and she moved in after a few months. We fall out alot cause I don't trust her and she does funny things. After 7 years we fell out and she moved with her mother. She...
  7. diabIo

    Will rain wash away nutrients from two months ago?

    Two months ago I had a setup for ten autoflowers outdoors in Air-Pots. Something came up and I decided to grow them indoors, but I left the Air-Pots with 2:3 FF Ocean Forest & Happy Frog outdoors. Can I still use this soil, or will all of the nutrients have been washed away?
  8. SmokeMe0987

    Ph levels? Low! Help!

    Something seems off with my plant
  9. Cheese821

    How much longer estimated?

    So 7 days ago I was told by people I had 4+ weeks remaining.... These are autos and we're supposed to be done at week 9. I'm coming on 11 now. 8 days ago most of the hairs were white.. Now depending on the plant it's looking to be 65%-85% in spots.. however I'd like to get others thoughts. 2...
  10. atwell1288


    I started these girls on 7/10 and I only have one really strong one, this is weird to me because they all came from the same gene of seed ( I have 3 bubblegum feminized plants growing ). Anyways I have a heating pad and then a thin piece of plastic over top of the heating pad and then the...
  11. B

    First time grow! Bugs or mold

    Hello friends, first time grower here so go easy please, its been a long journey and have learned this is more challenging than Army bct lol. Anyway, I noticed these leaves looking a little bubbly and burning (or eaten) off the edges. Day temp: 77f Night temp: 71f Rh: 51% Then I found some...
  12. K

    Too much humidity outdoors or??

    Hey these rust brown spots showed up on a few leaves like this Not sure what the hell it is but every 5-7 days one or two more develop them. I don’t think it’s nute burn as the tips are fine on 90% of the plant and she looks healthy to me. Any help? also she’s a bit wet cause I just sprayed...
  13. x D3FTONES x

    Can you help me figure out this issue?

    These are outdoor plants in soil, using H&G nutrients. I’m getting a little curling and holes in the leaves. Not the entire plant. Maybe 10% of the fan leaves. Overall the plant looks healthy and is growing well. I have not sprayed anything on them for insects. I’m thinking maybe grasshoppers...
  14. K

    HOW to calculate NPK ratio of feed

    Can anyone explain to me how to fully get the NPK of all the nutes I’m feeding together? The way I’m doing it seems to be wrong. need to get the total NPK of the full feed that I’m giving out to my girls.
  15. K

    Boost Nitrogen? HOW? HELPPPP

    Hey hey heyyyyy (It’s faaaaaat Albert) okay for real though,finally had someone educated my uncultured ass on how to calculate my NPK properly (And no it’s not add them all together like I thought) currently I’m looking at an NPK of 2-2-3 With everything I’m feeding. Which is quite a bit...
  16. L

    What kind of pest burrows?

    First full size grow outdoors.. after my 2nd dose of azamax to fight down spider mite problem, I found this spot. Looks like something burrowed into my Northern Lights Auto... should I just cut and burn with fire? Never seen this one before
  17. D

    PH and PPM fluctuations. Advise needed (DWC)

    Hi everyone, I am very much new to growing, as this is my first grow and I am only 1 week since planting. My PH seems to be climbing must faster than natural as I am not seeing my PPM fall nearly at that pace. I have changed the water completely at 5.6 PH and 340 ppm and within 2 days my PH...
  18. Buds420grow

    Auto week 2.5

    Below are pics of my 2.5 wk old blueberry autos. Following fox farm trio feeding schedule with cal mag. Water ph adjusted to 6.0-6.2. 5 gal grow bags with 70/30 coco perlite mix. Roughly 12 hours of direct sunlight. Some of these seem to have started flowering was wondering if you can verify...
  19. C

    Please help…

    Please help… my gorilla glue that was supposed to be an auto ended up being a photo. I had to trade it for powdery mildew and burned all the leaves. Including the pistils, etc. I know you’re not supposed to trim during this time frame. Or too much. I’m just wondering if there’s anyway to revive...
  20. O

    First grow grew out of control I kept delaying flowering over the smallest issue and now I have no idea what to do

    So… uhh.,, what I should do with this “out on control massive outdoor sized indoor plants” that I have, no if a what I’m doing, I’m still getting enjoyment so figured I’d just veg for as long till im chill and ready to see the final product of the blessings I get my first, bizarre over the top...