Recent content by OldJamesLikesToPuff

  1. O

    starting my first grow this morning, wish me luck guys :)

    Hello man, good luck with the grow! Wanna ask, do you just pre-sink the seeds or you wait for a taproot to appear in the glass of water?
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    To mix or not to mix

    is it me or the ladies looks a little too dark?
  3. O

    Grafting new plant to old roots

    well THEORETICALLY yes but why? I mean, rather take clones? When taking clones you can apply a root stimulator to make them develop faster, however I'm not sure if ganja specifically can "connect" with another plant's roots. Perhaps if the strain is the same and the bath of seeds is the same...
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    Male plant pollen collection

    I'd say just let them be till they are spreading pollen by themselves then collect it or stress them a little to make them produce faster
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    MN says hello

    Nice to meet you! Korean? What strains are grown in Korea?
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    Return to the Passion

    Hello and nice to hear that! Will you share a photo of your garden?
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    Twisteds garden

    That's a hell of a plant, congrats!
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    Can anybody tell me what when I should harvest and what stage my plant is in

    They are looking fine but the images are blurred, just use the micro and see if the trichomes are milky. If you - you can harvest. If transparent - too early. If orange - too late. Simply as that
  9. O

    Early Red Hairs Ok? LSD not autoflower Week 6 Red Hairs on top.

    That's nothing, just the phenotype coloring, no worries man she's feeling well, just feed her and love her and she'll love you!
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    Canadian Stuff

    If you ask me, thus spring was rather cold so I personally had to delay my grow a bit
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    Dosing Calcium/Magnesium with RO

    I would probably suggest that depends on the strain you are going to grow and climate....might need to adjust
  12. O

    Choosing a rosin press

    That is a huge overkill, dont you think? :)
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    Time to harvest?

    It's always regretful to ditch the plant that took a lot of efforts...but sometimes it needs to be done. Be strong
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    MLB 2024

    I would watch baseball if they would let me smoke while watching haha