Does the police everywhere install wild cameras to catch outdoor growers?

I dont know how the cops handle the illegal outdoor grwoing in your area.. but i was really shocked when I read the following from german news blog. I try to transalte, pls forgive some mistakes and dont hesitate to correct them al - I want to learn as much as I can :)

Unfathomably what is organised here again for a fuss, what a resource waste of material and personnel kind takes place – because one has discovered an Outdoor-cannabis plantation in the nature reserve „desert forest“ at the beginning of September, now the police and public prosecutor's office with the picture of a suspect turns to the public. How the picture has originated, however, remains uncertain – whether it was taken up "by chance" by passers-by or even a straight put up game supervision camera, it does not arise from the statements to the press up to now (and does not become fine also).It was discovered on an island in a lake invested outdoor hemp cultivation by employees of a company on the 3rd of September about 20 o'clock. These noted unusually looking, high plants under a high-tension mast on the sea island and alarmed in exemplary authority's obedience the police. Then the officials found an about 100 square metre field with 26 hemp plants and harvested between 1. 80 metres to 2. 80-metre-high shrubs – the press writes here from „eight kilogrammes of cannabis“ that one „in official preservation take“ was able. Source: Taken Image from or for police (censored from author I think):

-> We growers speculate whether the police placed an secret outdoor wild camera or not. But we think so. Very bad news for all illegal growers.


1.) Did you ever heard from a cop tactic like that?

2.) How you can prevent that?

3.) Do you think that might be a new strategic and the police will now everywhere install wild cameras to catch outdoor growers?


Well-Known Member
there isnt any po-po going in the swamps around here for any reason lol.
the wardens over this way use them a lot,they stake out dirt rds c whos coming an going they mostly looking for poachers, an ass wipes who dump shit out in the woods few yrs back they popped a famley in the white mountain nat park,using cams not only charged them with the plants they found old holes an stumps from yrs past charged em for that to, ongoing crimanil enterprise no bs I knew the brothers got a nickel a peice