Fake weed....Its dangerous


Well-Known Member
well i recently moved and around here a lot of ppl are smoking that incence crap like cloud 9 and green planet and so on.... well i tried the cloud nine which was really similar but not exactly like weed. i tried some other stuff that made me feel like i took a handful of pills. then i smoked this other shit a week ago that made me almost have a heart attack. my blood pressure shot up so high i had to walk back in forth in the driveway to keep my blood pressure regulated. i woke my wife up and said something is wrong i might die on this shit cuz i knew it wasnt good. i walked in circles for what seemed like an hour till my blood pressure went down. it was so horrible i really thought i was going to die. im never touching that stuff again. any one else try it?


Well-Known Member
I had to make the call to fire a guy that works in the department I run for smoking that shit a week before Christmas.

Wasn't there when it happened, but apparently he smoked it up outside during break or whatever and came in and said he had trouble breathing and that his chest hurt. So then he started getting all freaked out thinking he was going to die. When the paramedics got there he told them what he smoked and word spread pretty fast.


Active Member
I had an identical experience to the OP. It is kind of like pot, except it makes your heart rate race. There is definitely nothing like the real thing.


Active Member
I agree 100% ANC, in that if MJ were legal, we would not have to face all of this crap out there that is severely harmful to one's health. Having (2) real heart attacks in three years, this last one in September, I thought I was a goner for sure. It is not a good feeling at all knowing that you are probably not going to see the next day. I cringe when I see shit like this, as well as some of the other drugs out there, one in particular; Bath Salts. I know that back "In My Day" we also had some hard core drugs, LSD, Black Beauties, Window Panes etc., but when you start loosing friends to the Grim Reaper, it wakes you up fast.

I hope that the OP is doing better, and will now chalk it up to experience not to try that shit again. So glad that I for one, will be able to see some great posts from the OP.

The Best of 2012 Awaits Us All
The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
ive smoked it a few times and ive never had any of that, but it did make me wanna throw up a few times. tasted the way aluminum smells...didnt like that either haha i got friends who blew down on that shit and i hope they dont have any kinda lung damage from that shit.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% ANC, in that if MJ were legal, we would not have to face all of this crap out there that is severely harmful to one's health. Having (2) real heart attacks in three years, this last one in September, I thought I was a goner for sure. It is not a good feeling at all knowing that you are probably not going to see the next day. I cringe when I see shit like this, as well as some of the other drugs out there, one in particular; Bath Salts. I know that back "In My Day" we also had some hard core drugs, LSD, Black Beauties, Window Panes etc., but when you start loosing friends to the Grim Reaper, it wakes you up fast.

I hope that the OP is doing better, and will now chalk it up to experience not to try that shit again. So glad that I for one, will be able to see some great posts from the OP.

The Best of 2012 Awaits Us All
The MaineYankee :-)

Hey man, had my first heart attack in November. From what I have been reading, if you are going to have a heart attack, you are several times more likely to have one after smokeing weed.


Well-Known Member
well i smoked the cloud nine and it was very similar to pot. then i smoked some other stuff and it was like taking a handful of pills then i smoke this other stuff that raised my blood pressure so high i had to walk really fast to keep myself from falling out. it was a horrible feeling. ive never really done drugs besides pot and i did it cuz there was no smoke around. and to just be a pot smoker and not a druggie ive never really experienced any kind of overdose or anything but i was genuinely scared for my life. shallow breathing. and my heart was racing extremely fast and i felt so scared. i will never ever touch that shit again. it took about three days to feel normal again too. when it first hit me i was sitting down and it was more extreme not moving so as i was walking it helped me keep my pressure under control and i had to keep telling myself it was just fake stuff and it wouldnt kill me.


Active Member
Hey man, had my first heart attack in November. From what I have been reading, if you are going to have a heart attack, you are several times more likely to have one after smokeing weed.
I know ... I have read the same article perhaps as you. But ... If I do have another, at least I will have a "Great big Ol MMJ Smile !"

MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
It normally says "not intended for human consumption" on the package..
we all know why the HAVE to put that on the package.. that shit is lethal
then when someone really has a medical emergency they can claim no responsibility
that fucked up.. weed should be legal and as common as cigarettes..