Longtime Espoma Garden Tone user, who else uses the Espoma tone line?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I have been using Espoma garden tone for my base fert. for years outdoors. Cheap, comprehensive and easy to use. This is what I set up on my first build of super soil. I adjust each year on reuse.

This is for a 30gal batch.

My soil build is 1/3 Perlite 1/3 Peat Moss and 1/3 worm castings. Each 10gal

After that I add Espoma Garden tone 8-10cups, azomite 3 cups, kelp meal 6 cups, neem meal 4 cups, crushed oyster shells 4 cups and 4 cups insect frass as well as alfalfa pellets as I have a ton of em.

I do play around with some Bloom ferts in flower but otherwise run the Espoma straight through. jk1aclb8bbxc1 (1).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I have been using Espoma garden tone for my base fert. for years outdoors. Cheap, comprehensive and easy to use. This is what I set up on my first build of super soil. I adjust each year on reuse.

This is for a 30gal batch.

My soil build is 1/3 Perlite 1/3 Peat Moss and 1/3 worm castings. Each 10gal

After that I add Espoma Garden tone 8-10cups, azomite 3 cups, kelp meal 6 cups, neem meal 4 cups, crushed oyster shells 4 cups and 4 cups insect frass as well as alfalfa pellets as I have a ton of em.

I do play around with some Bloom ferts in flower but otherwise run the Espoma straight through. View attachment 5392772
We've been using exclusively Espoma fertilizers in the outside garden for a while. For the indoor weed garden, I've been using a mix of KiS Organics Nutrient Pack and Tomato-Tone, but since I ran out of the KiS I think I'm gonna switch to mixing Bio-Tone and Tomato-Tone. My goal is basically to not have to order anything and use only stuff I can get from Ace hardware up the street.


Well-Known Member
Garden Tone outdoors since the early 80's . We used to buy bulk blood meal , bone meal , dry chicken manure , and green sand and mix up large batches . One year all the blood meal was rancid and out of necessity we used Espoma . Never went back .
I too used to start from the ground up, after I started using Espoma it was just so much easier and cheaper.