
  1. L

    First time grower need some advice week 10

    I’m growing 2 autos they are 10 weeks old. I have some dead leaves is it ok to cut them off at this stage or should I leave it alone. Also thinking it’s about time to harvest. Since it’s close to harvest time would it stress them out to much to cut dead leaves off. Or should I let them go...
  2. I

    Plants not responding to treatment. Deficiencies worsening over time. Mephisto & Humboldt Freebie Run

    Hey y'all, so my girls are presenting with heavy deficiencies despite the adjustments I've made to their diet. Seems like no matter what I try, they don't want to respond. Since this run is almost over, I'm hoping for feedback I can use on my next grow. Thanks ahead of time I have four girls...
  3. B

    Really Weird Leaves

    I have a Quick One from RQS and its realllly weird. The bottom leaves aren't curling but look like really skinny and just strange no other word for it. And the second set are almost like cat claws with the spikes on the leaves and they're curling too
  4. N

    Cooked autoflower week 4 - Purge, or leave?

    Hi, I had a bit of an... Incident earlier today. It seems my thermostat controller for my space heater fell to the floor and heated my space tk 120f, resulting in 1 of 4 autos having completely wilted growth on about 1/4 of it, which is progressively blackening. I know that growth is dead...
  5. O

    Northern lights auto

    Ac infinity 3x3 Ac infinity s33 Ac infinity 4” exhaust fan Ac infinity oscillating fan above canopy 18/6 daytime temp 79-81 Lights out 73-75 Rh 55-60 northern lights ILGM 12 days old Lights 18” above canopy at 60% Watering every 2-3 days 3 gal fabric pot Roots organic original soil Only tap...
  6. M

    advice on chop / diagnosing late flower nute burnout / deficiency THC bomb and White Widow autos

    Hello, this is my first grow i am currently pretty late into the grow at 11 weeks total looking for advice on what to do atp. plants have been flowering for about 5.5-6 weeks (i got them from MSNL and the site says <8 weeks flower for white widow and 6-8 weeks flower for thc bomb). in the...
  7. W

    Okay to top?

    Fast Buds strawberry banana auto (R) Fast Buds purple punch auto (L) don’t think the PP is gonna be topped. Looking for opinions. They are both in week 3. Bottom half FFOF and perlite, top half Coco Loco and perlite. Layer of kelp meal, great white between layers. Edited because I misread...
  8. X

    Is there something wrong here or is this normal on an auto

    I have brown dry crispy leaves at the tops of each Cola, they've been progressively growing more Brown but I only have a few weeks left of flowering before the plant is done, do I have a serious deficiency? Or is this just normal?
  9. B

    slow growth in early flower(First Grow)

    Hello, I'm having some problems with my autoflower 6 weeks old (maybe not as I'm too newbie to judge) I think since I saw the first signs of flowering was 2 weeks ago growth slowed down "in my opinion" as white hair not developing fast as I imagined. Also, can you identify any light stress...
  10. M

    how to fix magnesium / potassium deficiency on autoflowering plants?

    This is my first grow, still learning a lot but thought i'd come here for help from more expirienced growers. any and all help greatly appreciated. As far as plant info goes, the two plants in the back of the tent are thc bomb autos from MSNL and the front one is a white widow auto also from...
  11. B

    first grow looks very exauhsted

    hello, my first auto flower is looking stressed, she is 18 days-old, I just topped her 2 days ago it looked stressed for one day after toping then bounced back cause I fed it with 1.5 liters of half dosage of nutes for 3rd week(advanced nutrients ph perfect trio), are these signs of light...
  12. S

    Auto Flower flowering cycle question.

    I have a stretching problem with an auto flower. I was wondering how long do they take to flower after they throw out the pistil hairs? and how much stretch is too much?
  13. B

    White roots in main stem(first grow)

    What are these white branches comming out of main stem? Are these roots? So I should cover it with soil or what is that? My plant just turned 2 weeks since germination
  14. Cryonic420

    GCS Nebula AF

    Good morning and happy holi-daze ! Have read a lot of posts here finally decided to join! Don't knock me; I wanted to share my first time grow, 2 Autoflower Nebula seeds from Growerschoice. And TBH the whole thing has been a great learning experience ! Planted both in same 5G fabric smart...
  15. Budzbuddha

    Hey , Dummy Grow a Plant - Simple Soil Container Growing

    Container gardening involves growing plants in pots or containers rather than directly in the ground. For simple soil container growing, choose a well-draining potting mix, place it in containers with drainage holes, and select appropriate containers based on plant size. Ensure proper watering...
  16. 7

    Forbidden Runtz on day 65 and not flowering.

    This Forbidden Runtz from fast buds will not bud for some reason. Average temp 75 f average rh 54. Fed 3 part Advanced Nutrients with silica, calmag, and recharge once a week. Has a little bit of nute burn from last feeding when I gave it some Beastie Blooms by fox farms to cut back on nitrogen...
  17. Arsenicum

    Weird issue

    This is a 5 week old Northern Lights autoflower that I'm growing, this is also my first attempt at growing. So far everything has been ok, though it does have some strange staining on some of the leaves and also some lighter colored splotches on different ones. I suspect this could be from...
  18. W

    Worth it?

    Hi, I was wondering if this is so worthy to flower? It started flowering earlier this week, the seed sprouted end of September n has been stunted, although I have 7 or 8 bud sites. The plant is not very big but shows some vigor and was transplanted into a 2 gallon pot about a week ago, I'm using...
  19. B

    Budzbuddha or any other experienced growmie plz help! First time grower, autoflowers one doing ok the other one isn’t! Any advice I’m all ears

    My first time growing and I have 2 auto flowers growing under the same factors ( same medium/ water amount) in 2x4 with sf2000 which is currently hanging at 20” from plants and at 80% power… from day 1 “fastbudSourDiesel” grew vigorously while the “sweetseedNycDiesel” took its time.. about day...
  20. Budzbuddha

    Final Review : Vipar Spectra XS1500Pro LED grow Light

    Vipar Spectra XS 1500 pro : Here is my review : First of all , this light can do it all. I managed to test this light under various grow conditions, which included germination - vegetation - flowering and perpetual style grows. Highlights : This light is built to very high standards...