Introducing myself ....


Well-Known Member
You have every right to define your self. Good for you. Made me laugh, thanks.
OP, wait until you meet this guy^^^^

he compares almost everything to rape and slavery, except for pedophilia, which he frequently describes as "consensual" and "a voluntary act".

i only wish i was kidding you about this.


Well-Known Member
Hi all! I intend to actively participate in discussions under the Politics forum so I thought I'd introduce myself. I grew for about four or five years a while back, was active on the old OG forums if anyone remembers them. I actually created this account shortly after they shut down but never posted. I was gifted a light a few months back and about a month ago, found a single seed in a fantastic bag of Girl Scout Cookie (it actually tastes like cookies!) I already had about six or seven sour diesel seeds packed away somewhere soooo.... I'm back to growing again! (no idea how I went so long without plants in my life)

I am in my forties, a woman, a single mother and worked as a Paralegal for many years. My children are bi-racial, brilliant and beautiful. I am now a full time college student, I have an AS in Digital Forensics, and working on my BA in IT. I work part time to pay the bills.

I have strong opinions and sometimes come across with a lot of sarcasm. I don't tend to get my feelings hurt easily but I can not stand rudeness, bigoted attitudes and ultra conservative views on anything.

So, that's me. I look forward to being a much more active member of this community.
Welcome (back) cd...

I see that you originally registered here seven years ago. I have been here for over eight years.
I was also on OG as well as CW before I migrated to RIU.

For the first few years here at RIU the political forum was a place for lively, engaging, constructive and civil political discourse.
It is too bad that you did not participate back in the early years, because things have changed dramatically here.
I never thought that I would need to use any type of "ignore" function on any interweb site.
Alas, I was mistaken. There are couple of members here now who cannot control their incessant, profane, vitriolic tirades.
Name calling and odious, puerile rancor appears in almost every thread these days. Civility seems to be an unknown concept among these miscreants.
This is, IMO, most unfortunate, as there are rules supposedly in place to prevent this type of disruptive behavior.
Enforcement is woefully lacking!

I used to enjoy smoking some tasty and salubrious bud and having fun exchanging ideas and opinions here. Now, not so much.
Sorry to be so negative, but I do indeed miss the good old days, and wish you would have been here back then.

It does not have to be this way here, but it is what it has become.
In any event welcome aboard.


Well-Known Member
Paddy, you should ask her about her erotic rape fantasies. Nothing welcomes a lady to the forum like a sweaty-palmed adolescent genning up his latest Penthouse Forum letter.

"Dear PF, A new girl introduced herself to my group. Actually, she is an older woman, not a girl. Her womanly presence and experienced sexuality made me throb with desire. Somehow, the topic of discussion came to rape, my longest held fantasy..."

Welcome to the forum, Cannabisdreams.
You are a mess!


Well-Known Member
i'll be sure to point out at every turn that you joined a white supremacy group.

then why do you call gay people "fags"?

then what's with your constant rape apologist posts?
I dont know anyone well enough to take sides (but looks like i'm going to anyway) but... I'm a gamer... we use the word 'rape' as a term to mean I'm going to fuck somebody's whole day up and.. win the game. Maybe... I doubt....(hope) he didn't mean it the way you do. I miss the word "faggot" though, it was one of my favorites and I didn't mean 'hate' per se... more like.. ur acting like a bitch (I can still say that right?)... my gay friends say i cant use it anymore unless i take a dick up my ass... so i dont use it anymore. =)


Well-Known Member
Welcome (back) cd...

I see that you originally registered here seven years ago. I have been here for over eight years.
I was also on OG as well as CW before I migrated to RIU.

For the first few years here at RIU the political forum was a place for lively, engaging, constructive and civil political discourse.
It is too bad that you did not participate back in the early years, because things have changed dramatically here.
I never thought that I would need to use any type of "ignore" function on any interweb site.
Alas, I was mistaken. There are couple of members here now who cannot control their incessant, profane, vitriolic tirades.
Name calling and odious, puerile rancor appears in almost every thread these days. Civility seems to be an unknown concept among these miscreants.
This is, IMO, most unfortunate, as there are rules supposedly in place to prevent this type of disruptive behavior.
Enforcement is woefully lacking!

I used to enjoy smoking some tasty and salubrious bud and having fun exchanging ideas and opinions here. Now, not so much.
Sorry to be so negative, but I do indeed miss the good old days, and wish you would have been here back then.

It does not have to be this way here, but it is what it has become.
In any event welcome aboard.
YAY! OG.... I miss that forum soooo much. Yeah, I registered here not long after they disappeared. I stopped growing for a while due to the paranoia associated with the OG shut down. Very glad I'm back 'in the fold'

Trolls dont bother me... I'm a PC gamer, play with mad and crying kids everyday. Nothing makes me smile bigger than shutting them down. And if it does get to me... i know where the off button is.


Well-Known Member
YAY! OG.... I stopped growing for a while due to the paranoia associated with the OG shut down.
Your not the only one who was paranoid after Overgrow got taken down , i posted way too much shit there when my state was still illegal to grow & i shut my grow down too .

The way that whole deal went down many of us thought the feds were on the way , i'd love to know what LEO did with all that information from Overgrow .

Edit , please dont feel the need to use Politically Correct language & speak like a normal human being instead , many of us are adult enough to know the difference between words meant to slander vs words used in everyday life that are not meant as insulting .

Now welcome to the forum you gaywad. :mrgreen: :cuss:
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Well-Known Member
YAY! OG.... I miss that forum soooo much. Yeah, I registered here not long after they disappeared. I stopped growing for a while due to the paranoia associated with the OG shut down. Very glad I'm back 'in the fold'

Trolls dont bother me... I'm a PC gamer, play with mad and crying kids everyday. Nothing makes me smile bigger than shutting them down. And if it does get to me... i know where the off button is.
Hold on...

You're a woman, who grows/smokes weed, plays PC games and likes casual relationships?

I call troll.


Well-Known Member
Hold on...

You're a woman, who grows/smokes weed, plays PC games and likes casual relationships?

I call troll.
too bad i rarely leave the house to meet anybody new! I never said I liked casual relationships, i just said ive never signed over half my stuff. I just tend to be attracted to the wrong types and i'm not so dumb that i marry them. (I'm cute too)


Well-Known Member
YAY! OG.... I miss that forum soooo much. Yeah, I registered here not long after they disappeared. I stopped growing for a while due to the paranoia associated with the OG shut down. Very glad I'm back 'in the fold'

Trolls dont bother me... I'm a PC gamer, play with mad and crying kids everyday. Nothing makes me smile bigger than shutting them down. And if it does get to me... i know where the off button is.
Like what kind of games? First person shooters (call of Duty) , MMORPG (Everquest, World of Warcraft), or like minesweeper?