Frosty the snowman


Well-Known Member
If you know whats in hydroplex its potassium carbonate, monopotassium sulphate, potassium nitrate.

Silica blast is potassium silicate.

Canna pk 13/14 is potassium oxide and phophate.

Terp is only potassium sulphate additive I use and that isnt what responsible for resin production and is the only product i use that even contains that form of potassium.

You love trying to be right. You nit pick things out of my entire posts and tailor it to your belief, its comical.


Well-Known Member
Ive show plenty of full plant shots you obviously just dont look thru the posts do yah? Go back to the defoliation thread I show top to bottom plants. Showing you all defoliation and lollipopping from the ground up. Dont talk and make shit up you just look stupid when you do that. There is nothing wrong with my plants

Botanicare bloom is 2-3-5, and I add the cal mag+ 2-0-0 for added nitrogen, cal and mag. I also use organa-add micro which is a 4-0-0 in early bloom cut out at week 3/4 which adds addition nitrogen, mag and micro nutrients.

The P value doesnt reflect actual dosage when its in the form of p2o5. Its a percentage so even at 10 its only a fraction of that anyways. And mineralization of organic forms of phos changes depending on facctors suh as soil, temp, ph etc.. The useable amount of phos is only a smal fraction of what you are giving it anyways. But u know all this already so why we talking about it?

And for someone who knows everything you gonna come on and try tell everyone that your plants needs dont change during flowering? So your plant wont benefit from additional p&k during mid late bloom? Really, thats news to me.

So whats wrong with it? Damn all that P I used must fucked em up ehhh? I dont think so.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If you know whats in hydroplex its potassium carbonate, monopotassium sulphate, potassium nitrate.

Silica blast is potassium silicate.

Canna pk 13/14 is potassium oxide and phophate.

Terp is only potassium sulphate additive I use and that isnt what responsible for resin production and is the only product i use that even contains that form of potassium.

You love trying to be right. You nit pick things out of my entire posts and tailor it to your belief, its comical.
The K silicate still does not enhance terps or trichs...That's the beef we have.....

Still no paper on this big change to K silicate? BOOM DONE!


Well-Known Member
The K silicate still does not enhance terps or trichs...That's the beef we have.....

Still no paper on this big change to K silicate? BOOM DONE!
Go find a hobby. Youre annoying me. Potassium is potassium. When you have all essential nutrients together working properly your plants gonna do what its supposed to. Im not gonna go back n forth about what form of potassium u think works better. I know potassium silicate is the better form, you think its potassium sulphate. Whatever man.

When you see all the nutrient companies switch over to potassium silicate in the next few months or a year. Then you can come back on and talk about it.

Youre also the one who raves about Dynagro and PROTEKT. Which is potassium silicate! So what you say about that hot shot?

Heres an article regarding it. Lemme guess propaganda right? Come on


Well-Known Member
Gosh and begolly! What were we disagreeing on? The make up of K used for trich and terp production? The make up of K in Base nutrients and bloom enhancers?

Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Available Phosphate (P2O5): 10.0%
  • Soluable Potash (K2O): 6.0%
  • Magnesium (Mg): 0.5%, 0.5% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Derived from: Monopotassium phosphate, potassium borate, potassium molybdate, phosphoric acid, Magnesium sulfate.

Terpinator 0-0-4 : (from the MSDS pdf)
PRODUCT NAME:Terpinator 0-0-4

Components; Potassium Sulfate

Now what did I say was the main source K for Base and Bloom use? K2O right?
Well look at that, I'm right, No SI !!!

Now what did I say was the most effective things for Trich and Terps enhancement? Formulations of K with S and Mg with S correct?

Oh, oh! NO Potassium Silicate!!!! These contain Mg Sulfate and K sulfate!
I'm right again on the formulations of K for trich and terp enhancement!!!

Cannabil, How did you dare to post this as proof of YOUR point?


Why have you not posted a paper or an article ON this BIG change to Potassium Silicate because it's more effective?


You can grow (if those are YOUR pics of YOUR plants), I'll give you that (unless of course you ARE PiK Booster)..
But the knowledge you espouse to know simply doesn't match your plant pics.....

I suspect you are PiK and a hack!

Liquid Karma and Nirvana are the same type of thing! Why are you dbling down on that?
Hydroplex 0-10-6 and Bud igni. 0-2-4 along with Canna or Bloombastic at 0-14-15 are the same type of thing! Why are you adding so much P on top of more?
Botanicare base eh? Even if you used a light P bloom of 2 (Their blooms range P from 2-6)
With all the P at play here,,,That is simply put "Too Much!" The plants would be having problems - you don't give us full plant shots do you....

At any rate.....Potassium Silicate is NOT "working it's magic" on those buds doing what YOU claim it does!


Come on man just stop hatin on other people. Anyone can get good results when they use good nutrients and good genetics and know what to do. It is kind of funny that anytime I put up pictures all anyone can say is oh they look ok or good but you stole them. Like thats such a bs cop out. Just admit it, you aren't the only onewho knows how to get good results. And you don't know everything and there are many different ways to grow. Everyone has their own things they do that all work for them. Just because I don't use Dynagro or Jacks doesnt meab Im doing something wrong.

I aint pk boost. And Ive shown you my plants on several threads week by week. I have veg pics, early flower, full bloom pictures etc.. Don't start the if those are your pictures bs with me. You know damn well they are mine. I dont need to steal pictures and only a clown would have to justify themselves to stoop that low to dteal other peoples work. Thats pathetic. And just because my methods of growing dont coincide with yours doesnt mean I can't grow good plants. We may agree to disagree but I dont need dynagro or jacks to grow quality meds. And I can use PK boosters and different types of them because I know what I am doing. People only have issues when they over use and abuse them at incorrect times. Primarily locking out other nutrients and salt build up from over feeding. You can use anything so long as you do it properly thats what these products are made for. They arent base nutrients they are additives, that aid growth and development at critical times. Knowing when is the whole part of getting good results, and not fckin your plants up.

It makes no sense to me why you think growing cannabis needs to be a science project. This plant isn't that hard to grow at all. You even say all you need is dynagro foliage pro and protekt start to finish. Who couldnt figure that out? If that nutrient works so good and is so easy to use a monkey could figure it out. You did! Lol

And when you use good nutrients like botanicare, advanced, gh, canna (dynagro) whatever you choose they are made to grow plants. All you need to do is make sure you dont over or under feed, (water correctly),keep the ph stable in whatever medium you choose to use, and keep the environment good. This isn't something you need a PHD to figure out.

It's also ridiculous that so many people come on here with all this ridiculous mumbo jumbo about knowing your plants wants and needs, and making your own nutrients and having a botany and horticultural degree. None of that is necessary to grow cannabis, if you can grow tomatoes you can grow this shit. The hardest part is watering and ph and once you got that down the rest is easy. Good nutrients and good lights and an air conditioner go along way. People need to stop over analyzing and over thinking things making if way more complicated then it needs to be. Nutrient companies make complete line ups that are easy to use and get good results. If they didn't work noone would use them and move on to the next product. Take Canna just as an example. They have 5 products including their bases.

You pick your base, add their roots, zyme, boost and pk 13/14 for 1/2 feedings and thats all you need to get good results. You say that high P foods mess all this shit up and cause issues. Well Canna is one of the best nutrient lineups available to cannabis growers and is used world wide. If the flowering enhancers and boost was such bullshit how come they produce such good results?

Another company that produces superb quality meds and is world wide used is DUTCH PRO, they are known to have top nutrients espcially in Spain and Europe and all their products have PK enhancers and Boost additives. Just to make the point clear, just because you choose not to use them or dont believe in them doesn't mean anything. That is merely one man's opinion in a global pool of millions. I don't know any growers who really do big shit who don't use Pk or flowering enhancers in their grows. If you want to get the most out of your grows you absolutely need them, and are critically important for maximum yields and quality.
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Well-Known Member
Bud ignitor is used last week of veg and first 2 weeks of bloom. This initiates and set flowers faster. I get sites in 3-5 days that take usual people 7-10 days because of this product.
That does not justify the astronomical price of B.I.


Well-Known Member
That does not justify the astronomical price of B.I.
Hows it expensive? Small bottle used at 2-4 ml/gallon for 2-3 feedings can do a few lights for what 15$?

Im not a penny pincher so idk whats considered "expensive". I just buy what I like to use I feel works best. Only thing I ever buy that I think is expensice is H&G Roots Excel. I wish that was cheaper other than that everythings pretty comprable in my opinion. Idk
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Well-Known Member
Its cheaper than the bud blaster by Complete. Which is just a knock off of ignitor. The ignitor does work very well though. Expensive or not shit does what it claims so i fuck with it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I am an idiot. I use bud blood not the ignitor! My apologies I always confuse them. I dont use ignitor anymore I used to but recently swiched and now just run the bud blood.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Cannabil said. "Go find a hobby. Youre annoying me. Potassium is potassium. When you have all essential nutrients together working properly your plants gonna do what its supposed to. Im not gonna go back n forth about what form of potassium u think works better. I know potassium silicate is the better form, you think its potassium sulphate. Whatever man.
You failed Chemistry again......
When you see all the nutrient companies switch over to potassium silicate in the next few months or a year. Then you can come back on and talk about it.
Not going to happen!! I mean IF you ACTUALLY KNEW HOW these different forms of K worked for the plant....You would change your!
Youre also the one who raves about Dynagro and PROTEKT. Which is potassium silicate! So what you say about that hot shot?
It's a supplement for building the cell walls and to strengthen the plant.....They even say so. I listed the web page for it. Btw, they DO NOT claim to enhance trich or terps!!!!! Because it doesn't!

Heres an article regarding it. Lemme guess propaganda right? Come on"

Your exactly correct (for a change)! It IS PROPAGANDA!! That article is from BIG BUDS Mag. That is a magazine printed by Advanced Nutrients.. All they do is promote THEIR product's in it while giving the reader misinformation to out right LIES about just what their products actually do! I find it sad that someone who appears to grow as well as you do,,,,actually FELL for this fancy ass glossy trumped up bull shit line that AN is giving out as facts! BTW = there is NOTHING in that article about ANY "change" to Si in all base and supplements for the forms of K used now!

I say sir, YOU are a shill for AN!
YOU are attempting to spread misinformation to sell these (lol) products!
You ARE PiK Booster! You say almost EXACTLY the same BULL SHIT he did and then fight that your right when most can plainly see your wrong! Your wording and sentence structure, even your lack of punctuation mirrors PiK Booster!

Take your AN and your BS and go back to the site they kicked you out of and beg to return!
There was an answer I gave to the question "Can a plant be too dense?"...
I was thinking of you when I answered it!

I've invited some of your best friends to join us.
@chuck estevez
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Well-Known Member
Cannabil said. "Go find a hobby. Youre annoying me. Potassium is potassium. When you have all essential nutrients together working properly your plants gonna do what its supposed to. Im not gonna go back n forth about what form of potassium u think works better. I know potassium silicate is the better form, you think its potassium sulphate. Whatever man.
You failed Chemistry again......
When you see all the nutrient companies switch over to potassium silicate in the next few months or a year. Then you can come back on and talk about it.
Not going to happen!! I mean IF you ACTUALLY KNEW HOW these different forms of K worked for the plant....You would change your!
Youre also the one who raves about Dynagro and PROTEKT. Which is potassium silicate! So what you say about that hot shot?
It's a supplement for building the cell walls and to strengthen the plant.....They even say so. I listed the web page for it. Btw, they DO NOT claim to enhance trich or terps!!!!! Because it doesn't!

Heres an article regarding it. Lemme guess propaganda right? Come on"

Your exactly correct (for a change)! It IS PROPAGANDA!! That article is from BIG BUDS Mag. That is a magazine printed by Advanced Nutrients.. All they do is promote THEIR product's in it while giving the reader misinformation to out right LIES about just what their products actually do! I find it sad that someone who appears to grow as well as you do,,,,actually FELL for this fancy ass glossy trumped up bull shit line that AN is giving out as facts! BTW = there is NOTHING in that article about ANY "change" to Si in all base and supplements for the forms of K used now!

I say sir, YOU are a shill for AN!
YOU are attempting to spread misinformation to sell these (lol) products!
You ARE PiK Booster! You say almost EXACTLY the same BULL SHIT he did and then fight that your right when most can plainly see your wrong! Your wording and sentence structure, even your lack of punctuation mirrors PiK Booster!

Take your AN and your BS and go back to the site they kicked you out of and beg to return!
There was an answer I gave to the question "Can a plant be too dense?"...
I was thinking of you when I answered it!

I've invited some of your best friends to join us.
@chuck estevez

Thats funny because in the article they dont say or promote any particular products. They are simply talking about potassium silicate. You're just another troll on here. Who lives bs dynagro and jacks. You stick to your weak plants and bs yields. I mess with the big boys. Aint noone who knows what they are doing running either of those nutrient lines and thats a fact jack.


Well-Known Member
ummmmmmm.........$75.00 per Liter is a fucking rip off.
I guess. Idk never bought a litre. I only buy the small bottle. I use it for 2-3 feedings once per week at 2-4 ml/gallon thats all you need. One of the small bottles does 6 lights (6 plants per light in 5-7 gallon containers). So for me its cheap because I use it sparingly. But if you were to try and do the 8 ml/gallon recommended dosage on a 50 gallon res then I suppose it would be expensive. But its not needed. Knowing how much and when goes along way.


Well-Known Member
I've never been one to count my dollars and cents. I just like to use what works best for me. I dont price shop if something costs 200$ for a gallon and I like it. Then I buy it. Im not gonna avoid using good products because I dont like the price tag on something, but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Why would you say such a silly thing, have you only ever grown 8 week hybrids ?
That comment wasnt referring to growing land races or those crazy 12-14 week sativa strains. Obviously those take forever to get to that point. I should have been more specific i apologize for that!

I was under impression from what he said he was running a indica/sativa hybrid that his plants were very far behind and should have been further along then they are. Sorry for not being specific to my comment.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Thats funny because in the article they dont say or promote any particular products. They are simply talking about potassium silicate. You're just another troll on here. Who lives bs dynagro and jacks. You stick to your weak plants and bs yields. I mess with the big boys. Aint noone who knows what they are doing running either of those nutrient lines and thats a fact jack.
YES they do you HACK....2/3 of the way though the article in THEIR OWN MAGAZINE!


Well-Known Member
That comment wasnt referring to growing land races or those crazy 12-14 week sativa strains. Obviously those take forever to get to that point. I should have been more specific i apologize for that!

I was under impression from what he said he was running a indica/sativa hybrid that his plants were very far behind and should have been further along then they are. Sorry for not being specific to my comment.
when the resin first appears is down to the genetics, with most hybrids that finish in 8 weeks or whatever i would see plenty of resin by week 5
but some will take a little longer, some plants will produce resin as soon as they flower i prefer these types myself
early resin does not mean it will produce more resin overall, the late starters can still finish with more resin as they pack it on at the end

i had a fire alien kush pheno that finished in 8-9 weeks, it had hardly any resin at week 5 and very little smell
by week 9 it had the most resin of the phenos

plenty of skunk crosses produce resin late but finish fast 8-9 weeks



Well-Known Member
I have a plant about 5 weeks into flowering and she isn't frosting up yet, the flower size is decent enough that theyre almost tipping over its sativa so i know I've got a few more weeks to go but should i be worried??
i guess people totally forgot about your concearn :hump:

I would think you're ok dude... some of the sativa (if not most of them) will not be even close to the indica's frostiness . in addition , she's only started to flower ! you have a long way to go. she will fill up eventually. just be patient and keep up the good work ! :bigjoint: