Frosty the snowman


Well-Known Member
I did not attack you Cannabil!
I only gave out and posted a list of fact(s).

I suggest (politely) you read up on just what makes organic - organic!
You are NOT growing organic....MOST of those products are NOT organic. The listings I gave are from the makers information available ON their web sites!

The OMARI certification is awarded, not bought. The money spent is to cover the operational costs of the testing, OMARI is non-profit...I run a 3 farm organic OMARI certified (for using only organic products) farm co-op. It took over 6 years to get all 3 organic and certified! I get invited to college Ag programs across the country to speak on Old world farming technique/sustainability and on organic and alternative farming practice's.

I am not twisting any facts to my advantage....I gave and stated,,,the truth!
I suggest (with all politeness) that you don't come back and say that you are. You will only be making a fool of yourself.

The pics of your plants are very nice. You can grow....I'll give you that and not accuse you of being anybody but who you are. OK?
No "if's", "and's" or "but's"....about the pics!

I don't "hate" you....I did not stoop to calling you names.

I just supply truth and science fact where it should be..

A restrained and calm

No you are snide and rude. You take the time out of your day to argue and belittle at any opportunity you get and you make shit up.
Just stop bothering me. Whatever you say. You are the organic master now too. You got farms and factories you are the king of pot my fckin hero.

I use primarily organic nutrients YES I ADD SOME SYNTHETICS TO MY GROWS. So fucking what? and that's bullshit because OMRI allows a small percentage of synthetic ingredients and some processes are allowed. So thats not even true. Some shit your plants need and way they are produced are allowed to be OMRI certified with restrictions. You're trying to preach to the choir.

And veganic nutrients is a form of organic farming. So wtf are you talking about lmao!! Go tell Kyle Kushman his nutrient line isnt organic and its just Veganic and see what he tells you. All veganic means is no animal by products everything is natural and organic. Thats the dumbest comment you have ever made hands down *applause*

Your whole purpose and intention in your post regarding what I am using to grow was not meant to clarify or clear anything up. You are attempting to piss me off and try and talk shit like you always do. You are so negative its ridiculous. You do whatever you want with your 1000 acre organic farm and Ill stick to what I do.

Botanicare, AN and the additives I use I consider to be organic since primarily everything I use and feed my plants is sourced from nature. Everything is derived from kelp, guanos, castings, fish emulsion, crab meals, alfalfa meal and azomite etc..

Yes the cal mag I use is synthetic. I also use an organic cal mag which is GH cal during bloom because I cut out the N in the Cal Mag+. So thats only used primarily veg and a week or so in bloom. If you read what the bases and additives are sourced and derived from you will see right on their where they come from. If you wanna argue that the calcium or mag is synthetic thats fine. When pretty much everything that goes into my plants via roots is organic im gonna consider it organics.

Thats like running a 90% indica - 10% sativa strain and someone saying is it an indica my response would be YES. It aint a 50-50 hybrid or even a 70-30 whatever. Very small amount of what I do comes from synthetic sources and for the purpose I say its organic, and I NEVER CLAIMED IT TO BE 100% organic. Im honest and made that portion of my post very clearly stated that I do add some synthetics

For whatever reason you feel the need to chime in when noone cares and have to go an research and take time out of your day to talk shit and start jabbing at what im doing. Thats just unnecessary, just stop being a prick. I know that RIU FORUM is your life and it means so much to you but it aint that serious. You dont need to be concerned with what other ppl are doing with their lives, worry and focus on yourself. You arent perfect, im not either. But this forum and the planet would b better place if everyone didnt act like you, and worried about everyone else instead of themselves. You dont smoke or use my meds, you probably never will. It shouldnt matter to you wtf I do with mine. So leave it and me alone. You do you, i'll keep doing me and I'm all set and don't need any input from you. If I have a question regarding the scientific analysis and process a chromosomes and gene mutations Ill ask you because ur the master horticulture expert/guru. Other than that Im all set. Good day

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
No you are snide and rude. You take the time out of your day to argue and belittle at any opportunity you get and you make shit up.
Just stop bothering me. Whatever you say. You are the organic master now too. You got farms and factories you are the king of pot my fckin hero.
If I was "snide and rude".

I would say things about having "relations with your mother", call you a "M**** F****R" and say your "gay".
All things you did to me...

I could go on and be that way...."I" won't !

Please, feel free to continue your rant, call me names and all the while dig your own grave deeper as far as showing any real integrity (much less that you know what your actually talking about) !

Oh, and the part I edited out of your last post. Was the part that made me feel you squirm under my boot (not to mention when I compared what you said on page 3 to what you said on page 6. You made your own problem there).

You remind me of a politician. You believe if you tell a lie long enough. People will believe you....They don't here.

I have again, not called you names or questioned your families sexual habits or yours for that matter.
Now be a man and walk away....

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Well-Known Member
Im not lying about anything. And if you read all of my posts you will see that when they started I called you out and you just proved exactly what I said. Whenever you get called out and I show you that you arent always right, you revert back to calling me a liar. So that proves my point clearly. Thats all you got. And theres no difference between calling someone a jerk off or a liar. Its the same shit. To me the worse thing in this world you can be is a liar and a thief. I am neither. I havent lied about anything. So cut the shit.


Well-Known Member
So tell me how botanicare bases are synthetic lets begin with that point you tried to make

Look at their website and description of the make up of the bases: it is organic based natural ingredients, it goes on further saying that these nutrients are a great natural way of providing plants with organic sources and better quality then the conventional chemical nutriens on the market. Here read on, so youre gonna tell me botanicare isnt organic? You dont know what you are talking about. Just because a product is on the OMRI cert list doesnt mean its not organic.


I could continue and show you the rest of the shit I use and the fact they are all primarily derived from organic and natural resources except for maybe 2 things. And those things are the products I use for maybe a couple feedings for an entire run. Which is why I said I use partial synthetics but a small amount. So I consider my feeding and nutrient profile to be organic because it is primarily. I use some small synthetics to increase the yields and thats all.

You dont know anything about Botanicare or AN additives. If you did you wouldnt be talking out of your ass. All AN nutrient bases and additives are derived from natural organic sourced except for a few things. And OMRI has strict instructions and guidelines that even if everything in your nutrient is organic and u used a process that extracts them a certain way it wont qaulify, that doesnt mean its not organic.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
LOL,,everything is "organic based"......To start...

They do not call the end result of your "pure blend" Organic...

You are entertaining....You still remind me of a politician. You believe if you tell a lie long enough. People will believe you....They don't here.

So tell me how botanicare bases are synthetic lets begin with that point you tried to make

Look at their website and description of the make up of the bases: it is organic based natural ingredients, it goes on further saying that these nutrients are a great natural way of providing plants with organic sources and better quality then the conventional chemical nutriens on the market. Here read on, so youre gonna tell me botanicare isnt organic? You dont know what you are talking about. Just because a product is on the OMRI cert list doesnt mean its not organic.

View attachment 3474754

I could continue and show you the rest of the shit I use and the fact they are all primarily derived from organic and natural resources except for maybe 2 things. And those things are the products I use for maybe a couple feedings for an entire run. Which is why I said I use partial synthetics but a small amount. So I consider my feeding and nutrient profile to be organic because it is primarily. I use some small synthetics to increase the yields and thats all.

You dont know anything about Botanicare or AN additives. If you did you wouldnt be talking out of your ass. All AN nutrient bases and additives are derived from natural organic sourced except for a few things. And OMRI has strict instructions and guidelines that even if everything in your nutrient is organic and u used a process that extracts them a certain way it wont qaulify, that doesnt mean its not organic.
The nutrition in your "organic" nutrients are plant ready. They do not have to be broken down by the bio's in the soil to be used by the plant.

THAT is not organic nutrition.....Oh hell, I'll never get you to understand......Ben's right. I'm talking to a wall...

Look, do what you want, use what you want and call it what YOU want.....

But don't come in here and share your misconceptions and hyperbole.
Growing MM has enough myths.....

I don't need to say anything else......You dug your own grave and now are pulling the dirt in on top of yourself...

Good luck getting on the porch...

Still amused


Well-Known Member
Never said those weren't.
I said the bulk of what you use isn't. YOU don't use those....look at your own post page 3..

An even more amused

Im used at your non sense thinking OMRI is only way you can have an organic crop. Anyone who really knows about nutrients and organic farming knows that OMRI LISTED products dont mean jack shit these days. Just a bunch of rings and hoops ppp jump thru and most times get caught lying about ingredients and companies paying them off to get certified even when their processes they used arent regulated.

for the most part yes OMRI cert is good and 90% is what they say. But alot of companies dont bother spending "wasting is a better term" to even bother with the money, time and costs and regulations to make a product achieve the label. It really doesnt mean anything at all.

And NO your exact words were and I quote "its not organic nutrients, because the food doesnt need to be broken down by bio in your medium" so you stated as i said that since the organics are readily available that they are not pliable sources of organic nutrients.

You can use liquid organic nutrients that are easily accesible by your plants because the process they use chelates them and converts them into useable forms instead of waiting months for your plant to absorb them. Liquid organic nutrients are perfectly fine and are organics no matter how u try and spin ur shit to make sense to u and only u. Smh.

Botanicare is primarily all organic did u read the website and see what is in the product? It contains nothing but organic sources or both macro and micro nutrients. They simply add a few non organic elements like cal mag but that doesnt make it non organic because 5% of the shit comes from a small amount of synthetic process.


Well-Known Member
How many different sources of information do you need to figure out that pure blend is organic here is another one because u still seem very confused about the fact that they are organic bases and additives:



Well-Known Member
You need any more info or u still wanna argue about it being organic. Admit when u are wrong and move on. U dont run Botanicare you know absolutely nothing about AN. Since u like the other jacks and dynagro dudes think that AN is only synthetic which is hillarious and proves u know nothing about AN products. Because almost all of their nutrients are organic based and make up probably 75-80-% of all their products.

They use very little synthetics unless u are using their conni line up everything except for maybe the carboload which i believe is off their lineup is synthetic and possible one or 2 other things like overdrive.

Everything else is all comprised off guanos, kelp, seaweed, worm castings, humus and fulvic/humic and benes that are all naturally organic derived sources. Including their teas, big bud, nirvana, b vitamins etc.. So stop lying go do your hw and u would know better and not sound so stupid.

U trying to argue with someone who has been using botanicare and AN products for years. Botanicare is almost all organic and thats fact. Look it up and stop LYING cuz im not the one whose full a shit u are my friend.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You listed a dealers page - not Botanicares

Here's something from Botanicares actual Pro Blend page. A review

ScottApr 10, 2015
The bottle says ALL NATURAL & ORGANIC….which a normal person would trust that it meant 100% organic. It is false advertising….it was not until my plants turned yellow and I came onto this website did I learn that this product is NOT 100% organic…& I quote "Pure Blend Pro is natural and organic-based, not “100% organic.”

Botanicare = not organic
AN = not organic

How about you start a thread on the "organic" Botanicare and AN and see what happens with that.....I pledge not to post even once in it! REALLY, I won't.......just try it and see!



Well-Known Member
You listed a dealers page - not Botanicares

Here's something from Botanicares actual Pro Blend page. A review

ScottApr 10, 2015
The bottle says ALL NATURAL & ORGANIC….which a normal person would trust that it meant 100% organic. It is false advertising….it was not until my plants turned yellow and I came onto this website did I learn that this product is NOT 100% organic…& I quote "Pure Blend Pro is natural and organic-based, not “100% organic.”

Botanicare = not organic
AN = not organic

How about you start a thread on the "organic" Botanicare and AN and see what happens with that.....I pledge not to post even once in it! REALLY, I won't.......just try it and see!


Botanicare Pure Blend IS NOT 100% ORGANIC, it is however PRIMARILY ORGANIC AND DERIVED FROM NATURAL SOURCES!! The only thing that isnt organic in the bases are the forms of calcium and magnesium and iron.


I never said it was 100% Organic, I SAID IT IS PRIMARILY ORGANIC. And the first picture I posted is directly from Botanicare do you need to read it again let me show you since you quickly deflected the post to the additional description (which is why I said do you need to see another aource explaining the base?)


image.jpg image.jpg


You still having trouble understanding this dumb dumb? WOW YOU ARE REALLY THAT STUPID YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ NOW??

The only reason they arent OMRI CERTIFIED is because of 1-2 ingredients. But it is still an ORGANIC BASE NUTRIENT!!! This isn't fckin rocket science. HERES A PICTURE OF THE INGREDIENTS OF BOTANICARE PURE BLEND:





You need more info then this so you can figure it out knucklehead? YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT BOTANICARE


Also organic based, which are either 100% ORGANIC OR primarily organic contianing less then (5-10-% SYNTHETICS)

NIRVANA : 100% ORGANIC (derived from worm castings, humus, sea kelp, alfalfa meal)

B52: 90% ORGANIC, only reason its not full organic is the source of the added B vitamins and minerals not because of the sources but because of the processes used and the added metabolism boosters and plant stress reliever (basically bud candy). But you dont know shit about AN so I wouldnt expect you to know what you are talking about anyways. YOU DONT KNOW EVRYTHING STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO BECAUSE YOU DONT. Its better to say idk then to make shit up which is all you do anyways. When you are wrong you dont know how to man up and admit it, so you lie and make shit up. And then you try to deflect blame and just call other people lirs because you have 0 intellectual capability and have to result to name calling and belittling because you dont know any better.


Well-Known Member
Elemental salts are elemental salts.Organic anything actually means it's carbon based. Like virtually everything on earth. If the potassium comes out of bat shit or a mine it's still K+.