What is the " secret " to grow pungent, top shelf OG ?


New Member
Hi to all the growers and Marijuana activists !

I'm Kevin, 29 years old, smoking and growing since about 10 years now.

I grow hydro but I have alread tried to grow in soil too in the past. I'm located in Europe for your information.

Here is my question that might sound a bit stupid for some:

I've noticed that even in Amsterdam, ain't no way to find something close to top notch OG Kush like the ones available in Cali and some other states... I'm talking about that consistency and that extremly pungent and piny taste, typical to OG strains... you probably know what I mean...

I've read and tried a lot too... different brands of fertilizers, additives, tips and tricks ( though 50 percent of the fertilizer and additive brands used in America are forbiden in U.E ) but I still can't get what I want...

All my friends said that I grow some really good stuff but I have high level expectations....

I know that to get the " real " taste of it, OG strains should be grown in soil and organically so if you have some kind of recipe I would be glad to learn about it ;)

...and what do you think of the use of molasse and trichoderma ? could they dramaticcaly increase the taste in a good way ?


New Member
I already knew about the genetics and I stick to Humbolt seedbank these past years... but for that bomb ass soil you're talking about, that's all the problem... I don't trust commercial brands and I don't have the knowledge to create my own


Well-Known Member
I already knew about the genetics and I stick to Humbolt seedbank these past years... but for that bomb ass soil you're talking about, that's all the problem... I don't trust commercial brands and I don't have the knowledge to create my own
I just gave you the link. If you're to lazy to read it and learn you're to lazy to grow top shelf. Sorry to be blunt but it is what it is. Read that link and you will learn how to build soil.

Also get "teaming with microbes". It is a good book.



Well-Known Member
I already knew about the genetics and I stick to Humbolt seedbank these past years... but for that bomb ass soil you're talking about, that's all the problem... I don't trust commercial brands and I don't have the knowledge to create my own
important to realize that soil isn't going to change the taste and profile of the herb that much (sure we all know it can have subtle differences and better terpine development) but the point is, if it's not the taste and smell you want in hydro, changing to soil isn't going to fix that.
genetics are the #1 thing, no doubt at all.
Like making a Ford Taurus fast.
Sure you can do it, but if you don't have the SHO, it's gonna be slower in the end, no matter what.
Molasses and trichoderma won't effect the taste at all


New Member
I didn't see you post, my bad ! just added that topic in my bookmarks.

As for the book many thanks... does it treat about the beneficial microbes and their interaction with the soil content ( such as trichodermas and Mycoryzes that I already use in my hydro setup )


New Member
I've read somewhere

" molasse and microbes are to used together ( microbes feed themselves with molasses compound ) and it is supposed to increase the resin / sugar content. "


Well-Known Member
I've read somewhere

" molasse and microbes are to used together ( microbes feed themselves with molasses compound ) and it is supposed to increase the resin / sugar content. "
under my name in red is a link to grow books. I would read TOL living by the rev. in the link It took my growing to the next level. It shows what and how much of it to put in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I already knew about the genetics and I stick to Humbolt seedbank these past years... but for that bomb ass soil you're talking about, that's all the problem... I don't trust commercial brands and I don't have the knowledge to create my own
You are aware that Humboldt Seed Organization is a Dutch company in Holland, right? They are not magic or even necessarily strains from Marin. It's genetics and knowing what to do with them. Another poster advised reading. I heartily concur.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's hard to find a damn good pheno in an illegal state to produce what some people are producing as they have been growing pheno hunting etc for decades


New Member
my bad for the mistake, I was talking about Cali Connection, not Humbolt.... I might be a lil bit too fadded, sorry guys

as for World of Seeds, it seems to be a european bankseed, right


Well-Known Member
I think the growing method has a huge impact on flavor and taste (as well as the curing proceedure). I concur on reading the notill thread, it will get you started down the right path for creating your own soil. I would stop buying cali connection genetics immediately. I never ran anything decent from them - never in my garden again...



Well-Known Member
I've read somewhere

" molasse and microbes are to used together ( microbes feed themselves with molasses compound ) and it is supposed to increase the resin / sugar content. "
the microbes you are talking about aren't the trichodermas, and molasses on it's on isn't going to develop hidden flavor, you are referring to an actively aerated compost tea (aact), that does a different job.
The molasses is consumed by the microbial population that you are purposely cultivating, usually derived from a healthy compost or a wormbin.
In fact I have a brew going as we speak, about 7 hrs away from completion.