Most Offensive Thread Ever

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Well-Known Member
this is for the lil wayne lovers

lil wayne is one ugly looking ass monkey motherfucker who speaks ebonics and jiberish he sounds like a dieing cow his voice is so annoying and any of ya'll that thinks he got rhyme talent y'all have no idea what talent is
that was oddly accurate...the dying cow thing, i mean..


Active Member
We are all brainwashed. Despite what we have learned and what conclusions we have come to we were all thrown into exsistence learning our regional stereotypical "modern day" cultures. Thus creating diversity and never truely having peace because everyone has their own fucking perspective on things. Why does that make us brainwashed? Because no matter what... we will judge based on what "they" taught us. You can argue, " No wayz I love all types o peoples." But...I find it hard to believe that there are people now a days vibing on every single ethnicity. Most of us are bitchin at some chink/spic/sand nigger/kike/dirtyarab/russian pig/coconut/honkie/fritz/dago/coonass/beaner/red neck/red skin/ ect. ect...

I'm not saying that there's NEVER been. but...while I've been alive...It seems so.



Active Member
I disagree, i find myself and others very free thinking, ive come to notice people are overall good, and ive lost my deep dislike of everyday fuckers, its not their fault, they have to play the game.


I think indians and muslims are fucking up to something, ive heard so much shit bout them straight up populating the world and planning on ruling it, get them all the hell out of everywhere and back to their damn desert!


Active Member
Of course it's not their fault.
But what makes them the everyday fuckers?
Some sort of influence impacts on those fuckers and makes them fuckers!

Could it be...BRAINWASH?!

I'm not saying that there aren't people who think freely or are good hearted. I'm saying that we are all brainwashed because of what the talking heads on sticks publicize.

I suppose the target are a good majority of Americans.

Remember, Brainwashing isn't BAD...its effort aimed at instilling certian attitudes and beliefs in a person.

"Here see this thing of green eyed greed that has the need to feed on me.
Pay no attention, sleep and dream of the shinny things.
Filling empty lives, lack of purpose. Middle children of history.
Corporations greatest resource, the mindless masses.
Consume till your death there are many to replace you.
They define your mind, your views, your life has been standardized.
You are not a super star, you are not an individual. You will not be president."


Well-Known Member
i find a lot of indians smell bad. like curry or b/o or a combination of both. its unpleasant. i would like to thank all those that maintain a pleasant smell :)


Well-Known Member
Americans think they are the center of the world and every other country is third world


Well-Known Member
People with horrible disabilities and deformaties aren't brave or courageous for going through life theyre just fucking unlucky


Active Member
Projection is a psychological defense mechanism where one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else...For example;
An anthropomorphic deity is the outward projection of man's anxieties and desires.

Get a grip. Whether we are here for a purpose or not, live after death or not, you will never know no matter how much you try to find the answer in this physical existence.

I want to shit in the hats of those who are oblivious.


Well-Known Member
I think that people that don't at least read the very first post in a thread are evil and should be put in camps to be reformed.


Well-Known Member
Just to touch back to the 1st post..To some, people who have abortions are murderers..but what about those pro-life (wait thats wrong, they're pro forced birth), what about them and where the fuck are they after they talk some poor, or possibly drug addicted girl out of an abortion.. ?? Nowhere to be seen..let the fuckers survive on their own..They did their job so they can all throw out their shoulders by patting themselves on the back....but what about those supposed
"precious lives" they're fighting for..After they're born they are no longer needed to support their movement, now they're not worth the needed support... I'm not picking any side on this as I see it as a woman choice, but if you're claiming the moral high ground by saving an unborn....well then save it....and don't abandon the child after it's birth just because they no longer serve their photo op....... I'd love to see ANY record of ANY pro lifer's helping the child to actually grow and survive.......... How much of their precious funds went to the clothing and feeding of these children...


Well-Known Member
mediums and fortune tellers should be fucking locked up, nothing but con artists and it amazes me that living in this day n age the gouvernment havent made it an illegal 'job' to have. ITS FUCKING RIDICULOUS
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