Most Offensive Thread Ever

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Well-Known Member
i know i was video taping in the closet then when you left i went and ate all your cum out of her vag in hopes that she wouldnt get preggos but DAMN YOU GOT SOME STRONG SPERM


Well-Known Member
People that move to other countries but don't bother to learn the language are assholes.


Well-Known Member
i dont like the US. i think a lot of americans are really stupid. they are also very arrogant, which is not a good thing to be when you're stupid.


Well-Known Member
i wish we still lived in a male dominated society and i could tell my bitch to shut up and make me a sammich

and then beat her with my wife beating stick when she didnt comply

whats so bad about being a house wife?


Well-Known Member
Welfare is wrong and the government shouldn't pay for lazy people ( there should be a new program that gives AID only to people who really can't can't work)

Down my street a few years ago a family of black people had a mansion and they payed for it because 11 adults were on welfare.


Well-Known Member
I really want to know how many cocks paris hilton, bob saget, tom cruise, and all the other untalented hollywood tit suckers sucked because their terrible TERRIBLE acting makes me sick


Well-Known Member
The U.S. gets a bum rap because people are jealous of us. While we are baby killing murderers so is everyone else. But the really bad guys can go murder millions, enslave half the population, and kill the other half while no one seems to care. We kill a few babies for oil and it's all, "Fuck America!"


Well-Known Member
Of course it's not their fault.
But what makes them the everyday fuckers?
Some sort of influence impacts on those fuckers and makes them fuckers!

Could it be...BRAINWASH?!

I'm not saying that there aren't people who think freely or are good hearted. I'm saying that we are all brainwashed because of what the talking heads on sticks publicize.

I suppose the target are a good majority of Americans.

Remember, Brainwashing isn't BAD...its effort aimed at instilling certian attitudes and beliefs in a person.

"Here see this thing of green eyed greed that has the need to feed on me.
Pay no attention, sleep and dream of the shinny things.
Filling empty lives, lack of purpose. Middle children of history.
Corporations greatest resource, the mindless masses.
Consume till your death there are many to replace you.
They define your mind, your views, your life has been standardized.
You are not a super star, you are not an individual. You will not be president."
YOU are fucking this up, man. Read the first post and stop posting paragraphs.

"People that post shit like this in this thread can't read properly and should be removed from the gene pool (and all newsgroups)"
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